Chapter 12- De Luca

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CJ's first week in her new house was fairly peaceful. She had begun decorating in between dealing with gang-related issues. 

Currently, she was stood in the dining hall at the men's house, hovering over a file containing information on another guy who'd been causing problems for them.

"Philip De Luca," CJ read from the top paper in the pile, "Who is he?"
"Some guy that keeps cheating our men in a couple of our own casinos. We've lost over $10000 because of him."
"Ten grand?!?" she gasped in horror.

"What do we know about him?" she regained her composure. 
"We have his address, phone number and call logs," he hands her a stack of receipts. Scanning them, she cracks a grin.

"Momma's boy, huh?" she teased, "Did you get anything on her?"
"Yeah, address etcetera."
"Perfect, we're going to need her for our persuasion technique."


Philadelphia. A few hours later, Leo and CJ arrived. Instead of her typical black clothes, she had donned a plain white outfit, complete with black pumps. She approached the door, knocking three times loudly.

Shuffling came from inside the house, as the lock click and it swung wide open. On the other side stood an elderly lady, with a tired smile playing on her face.

"Hello, ma'am," CJ began, "We're here on behalf of your son, Philip. He wants you to come to see him in California."
"Oh my! He hasn't seen me in years. We barely even talk anymore!" the old lady cries. CJ throws a confused look at Leo, who shrugs.

"Come with us, Thalia," he beckons, leading her to the car. The trio makes their way slowly back to the Range Rover, CJ helping Ms. De Luca into the back seat.

The entire journey back, the chatty old woman attempts to start a conversation, much to the chagrin of Leo and CJ. After what seemed like days, they arrived back at the gang house.

"Stay in the car please, Miss," Leo asks. Rushing into the house, they grab Iago and Mike and a bunch of weapons, CJ opting for a small handgun and a few throwing knives, tucked into the combat boots she had changed into.

The four of them get back to the car, concealing their weapons as best they could from Thalia. 

In under ten minutes, they reached Philip De Luca's house. CJ cracked her knuckles as Mike helped the woman out.
"Let's show this son of a bitch what happens when you mess with a Díaz."

Entering the lift, the three men and two women stood uncomfortably close to each other. CJ's back was pressed into Leo's chest, while Mike's arms kept getting annoyingly close to her.

"Watch your hands, Michael," she hissed, "Or you might lose them." Leo chuckled under his breath as Mike pushed himself into the far corner of the elevator. On the third floor, they got out, the stench of alcohol and weed assaulting their noses.

"What a dump," Iago scrunched up his face in disgust. At the end of the corridor, they knocked on Number396. Thalia stood at the back of the group, away from harm and hopefully sight.

A wasted Philip opened the door but slammed it upon seeing his visitors, sobering up rather quickly. Anticipating this, Leo stuck his foot in the doorway before it could close, holding a gun up, searching for the De Luca. 

They found him pressed flat against the wall in fear, trying to find some sort of weapon. Pulling two blades from her shoe, CJ threw them in quick succession, pinning him there by his shirt.

"Hey, Philip," she cooed sweetly, "I think we need to have a little chat."
"I won't tell you anything!" he cried defensively.
"Oh, but you will."

Mike came into the room, Thalia in tow. Their hostage's face visibly paled, but soon became impassive.
"Whatever, do what you want," he scoffed, "I don't love her enough to betray my boss."

"Oh, so you're not working alone?" she enjoyed watching him squirm under pressure.

"I... I didn't say that!" he cried defensively.
"But, you did," Leo corrected, "So, who is he?"
"Or she." CJ corrected.

"Uh..." Philip's eyes darted around the room as she pressed her third knife onto his neck, drawing a few lone beads of blood.

"No! Not my boy!" Thalia cried in anguish.
"Sorry, ma'am," Iago apologised, leading her away from the group.

"Name. NOW." CJ snarled, her patience running thin.

"Romano. Antonio Romano," his Italian accent was thick as his boss' name rolled off his tongue.

"Thank you for your compliance," she sang in a sickly sweet voice, before delivering a blow to his temple, knocking him out.


CJ curled into the sofa in her new home. Grabbing the remote, she turned on the TV and opened Netflix.

Scrolling through the endless movies and series, she settled on Spy Kids. With a bowl of popcorn nestled beside her, she pressed play.

Not long after the title sequence, a loud knock interrupted the character's speech. She groaned in annoyance, swinging her legs over the couch.

Pushing the blanket to the floor, she walked into the hall, approaching the door. Who would be here at 11 pm? She asked herself, snatching her gun as a precaution.

Another knock echoed on the wood, causing her to kiss her teeth at the impatience of the person intruding on her.

Opening the door, she saw that last person she expected to be standing outside her house in the rain.

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