Chapter 4- Initiation

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Sitting on her temporary bed in the spare room, CJ took a moment to properly admire the suite.

The Queen bed sat in the centre of the floor, facing a huge window overlooking the entire city. She could only imagine what it would be like at night when everything was lit up.

There was a small birch wardrobe, filled with hangers, next to a matching chest of drawers. It was peaceful, to say the least.

Definitely not what she imagined when she thought about the cutthroat gang she was soon to run.

A light knock sounded on the other side of the door. CJ looked down at her stained outfit, sighing softly.

"Come in," she called, as one by one the gang filed into the cramped area.
Mike came in penultimately, closely followed by an angry Dennis.

She groaned, already anticipating the reprimand she was about to receive.

"Sorry." That was the one word she hadn't expected to hear coming from Michael's mouth.

He offered an apologetic smile, which was soon shut down by CJ's unimpressed grimace.

"I'm not," she retorted, scoffing at his apology, "You shouldn't have touched me in the first place. Consider yourself lucky- the last guy who tried something with me nearly got a bullet put in his skull."

Dennis cut in, "If any of you fuckboys touch one hair on her head, I'll shove yours up your ass."

The men visibly gulped. Dennis had in fact beat up two of CJ's previous boyfriends for looking at her for too long.

"... Why are you still in here then?" CJ broke the silence that had settled.

This time it was Leo that spoke up.


CJ tapped her foot impatiently against the car floor, clearly bothered by the blindfold that was obscuring her vision.
"We're here."

Paulo sounded way too happy at 1 am. After the incident in the kitchen, CJ found herself tied up in the back of an Aston-Martin with a scarf tied over her eyes.

"Ugh, let me out already, this scarf smells like," she made a fake gagging noise, "boys." She shuddered at the thought.

Suddenly, light forced its way through her shut eyelids to assault her retinas.
"Ow, what the hell?" Her eyes finally focused on the naked bulb being shone in her face, a group of adult men grinning manically behind it.

"Are you done?" she deadpanned, glaring at the childish mafia.
"Fine, let me take those ropes off..." CJ's face lit up at the idea of being free, "and exchange them for these handcuffs."

Leo held up the small metal contraption.
"Ooh, kinky," Iago wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, receiving a slap on the back of the head by someone in the crowd.

Once the chafing fabric was removed and replaced with cool steel handcuffs, the boys took seats in front of the trapped girl, her 'uncle' standing behind her.

"Cara Julia Dickson," Leo started.
"CJ," she corrected, "Never call me Julia." He nodded and went on.

"Age 23. Born in California to Andrew Dickson and Alicia Dickson, née Díaz," Leo read from a file, "no known siblings. Mother died from a bullet wound in 2005. Moved to boarding school in London, aged 8."

Agitated by her life story being read out, CJ began to work her way out of the cuffs. Dennis, seeing what she was doing, simply smiled and ignored it.

"Kicked out of first boarding school for 'indecent behaviour'," he paused, "Care to explain?"

She hesitated slightly, before curtly declining. All present were confused but decided not to push it.

Adrian snatched the papers from the oldest member. "Left high school aged 18. Went to a University of the Arts for 5 years." CJ had almost freed one wrist from her mechanic captors.

"Drama kid, huh?" Aiden, the youngest member, questioned. CJ almost cackled at the assumption.

"NEVER. Never in my life would I be a Theatre chick. J'étais une artiste, avant je suis venue ici."

"Ah, mais ouais, je peux dire" he replied, motioning to the pictures that decorated her skin, as well as her paint-stained white Converses.

"Hey, I'm talking here!" Adrian cried in a mock New Yorkan accent, before continuing, "Relationship status: in a relationship with Brett Walker."

As soon as the words fell out of his mouth, CJ shot up, dropping the handcuffs and snatching the file away.

"I am not dating him," she growled, daring anyone to challenge her.

"Ok, fine. Relationship status: undisclosed," he took the file back, "Has had 8 boyfriends over the two years she has been out of school."

They all looked up in shock at CJ, who had contorted herself with her back over the armrest of the wooden chair, whilst her feet hung over the back of it.

"I dated for my father. If I dated crazy dudes, no one saw the crazy girl or her mental father." Paulo looked affronted.

"You mean you've never really dated?" he seemed shocked that someone could date a person that they didn't care about. CJ shook her head.

"Wait!" Mikey finally plucked up the courage to speak, "If you've never actually liked anyone you've dated, are you still a virgin?"

The room erupted into raucous laughter.
"Oh you sweet innocent boy," sarcasm dripped from her tongue, "I've probably slept with more people than you."

"Doubt it. What's your body count?"
"People I've killed or slept with?"
"... slept... with?" The last sentence came out as more of a question.

"Mate, I'm kidding (sort of), but honestly, I lost count around 20."
"Did your dad know?" Leo asked. CJ sucked in a sharp breath at the thought.

"He didn't care. As long as I didn't put him in danger, he didn't care."

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