Chapter 8- Leadership

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A/N Sorry, this chapter is sort of speech-heavy

Monday morning. The worst time of the week. Tiredly, CJ forced herself to open her heavy eyelids at the blaring of her alarm clock.

"Rise and shine, cupcake," Paulo shouted through her bedroom door.
"Are you ever tired?" she yawned, rolling out from under the duvet. As her bare feet touch the hardwood floor, she shivered at the chills that ran up her spine. 

"Nope," he cackled, skipping down the hall.

"PAULO!" An angry yell, followed by a loud thud rang through the house. CJ chuckled to herself at the sound of Leo's annoyance.
"Babe, come back to bed," Iago groaned from Paulo and his shared bedroom. The sound of splashing water awakens everyone's curiosity. 

"Blaireau!" A slew of tired french comes from Aiden, down the corridor, "Je vais te tuer, Paulo! Je vais littéralement pousser votre grosse tête dans ton cul! Merde."
"Aiden, surveille ton langage!" CJ shouts out of her partially open door. 

"I most certainly with not mind my fucking language, CJ." At that, a drenched Aiden stumbles out of his room, dripping clear water onto the white, threadbare carpet.
"Oh, my," CJ cackles in response to his unimpressed expression, "although, I can't help but notice that Adrian and Mike have been left untouched."

Aiden leans against the wall next to her, "Yeah, last time he went for Adrian, he ended up with a fractured collar bone, and he was going light..."
"Damn," CJ mused, distractedly.
"Also, he isn't stupid enough to bother Dennis," he continues, "and Mike has a girl with him, so Paulo is likely looking for the best way to embarrass him.

As if on cue, a buck naked Paulo runs up the stairs, mooning everyone in his wake.
"AH, Paulo, my eyes!" Aiden screams in horror.
"Yes, they have been blessed," he returns from his position outside of Mike's suite.
"What about me, dude? I'm scarred for life," CJ jokes.

"Yeah, man, we have a lady present, cover yourself up," Leo mutters groggily from his doorway.
"Huh, we'll see how much of a lady I look like when you accidentally fall down a flight (or two) of stairs," she whispers to herself, under her breath.
"What was that?"
"Nothing..." she sings sweetly, though the look on his face suggests that he heard her perfectly.

"Shhh," Paulo quiets the three of them, jerking his thumb towards the bedroom door, before pushing it confidently open.

"Hey, babe, last night was great..." The house falls quiet.
"Who is this girl? I thought our two days of raw passion were enough to satiate your-"
"Paulo!" Mike's outraged voice echoes, drawing laughter from the witnesses.
"Ugh, I'm leaving, Mike," another offended voice is carried out of the room.

"Wait, Trixie!" 
Seriously, CJ thought, Trixie?
"It's Tiffany!" the girl seethed.

"Typical," CJ scoffed under her breath, as the pissed girl stormed past.
"What was that, CJ?" Mike turned to her, a look of pure hatred on his face. She looked him dead in the eyes and mirrored his expression.

"I said, it's typical for guys like you to chat girls up, sleep with them, forget their name, and never call them back." Mike stepped closer, until his warm, morning breath fanned her face, but she refused to back down. At 5' 5" she stood almost a head shorter than him, yet was unafraid.
"Do you have a problem with me?" he shot at her.

"Not unless you do."
"Well, maybe I do." Mike's eyelids shut halfway as he finished his sentence, squinting at her, daring her to make the first move. Around them, the rest of their previously sleeping friends gathered, watching in anticipation.

"I strongly advise against you pissing me off this early in the morning," she spat at him, drawing a fake laugh from him.
"What are you really gonna do? I know I've asked you this before, but you have no gun, no weapon. I am a trained fighter. I am in the mafia because I have the skillset for it, not because I'm daddy's little girl."

CJ almost snarled at that last comment.
"I was never daddy's little girl as you put it. If any of you knew anything about me you wouldn't dare say that. What else can I do to prove myself to you? I have worked my ass off to get to where I am today, I have passed your initiation without fail, so far. And yet you all still see me as a child. All of you! Just because I'm a girl, or I'm short, or I haven't been in the gang since I was eight, doesn't make me any less capable of being a leader than you."

"I don't need to do anything Michael," she picks up, "I don't feel the need to resort to violence with any of you, because I know that I am a born leader. My whole existence is to continue the Díaz family bloodline. I am who I am now because of this goddamn mafia! I never wanted this! When I was 14, I wanted to be worried about school and my love life, not how to shoot a gun or the easiest way to kill someone! But, don't for one second believe that I won't do everything in my power to be the best leader this gang has ever seen."

"So, whatever, say what you will about me, but you aren't getting rid of me until I'm six feet under." She looked around to see every man, including Mike, grinning from ear to ear.

"Well done, CJ," Leo spoke up at last, "You passed part three of initiation: Leadership."

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