Chapter 18- Secrets

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"I'm going back to England."

"What? When? Why?" CJ sputtered in shock. Dennis nodded grimly.
"I need to check on what Drew started over there, collect some money, you get the picture." She shook her head sadly, unable to respond.

"It's not forever, Cara, I'll be back as soon as I can, I promise," he soothed.
"I'll miss you," CJ burrowed her head into his neck as she embraced him, "I need you here, I can't do this alone."

"You're not alone, you have the boys. But if they hurt you, call me straight away and someone might lose a limb." She chuckled at the man she had seen as a father for years. After a moment of comfortable silence, Dennis rose, grabbing his jacket from the back of the chair and heading to the door.

"See you later, CJ, stay safe."

"No promises."


Later that night, Maria was woken by a strangled scream from down the hall. Throwing a housecoat over the pyjamas she had borrowed, she rushed out of the room.

Following the sound of the pained noises, she soon reached the door of the master bedroom. Knocking quietly, she waited for a reply. When none came, she knocked harder, shaking the wooden beams. 

After that third time, she simply pushed the door open, revealing a sleeping CJ. Moving cautiously closer, she called out to her.
"CJ!" she half-shouted, "Wake up!" Another distressed yelp left her lips.

Tapping her on the shoulder, Maria stood as far away from the shaking body as she could. Suddenly, CJ sat up, breathing heavily. She watched as Maria sat next to her on her bed.

"What were you dreaming about?" she asked apprehensively. CJ simply shook her head, refusing to answer.
"Let me check your wounds, you may have undone Leo's stitching with all of that tossing and turning." Her cool hands ran across the base of her uncovered back, sending shivers up CJ's spine.

"Sorry if this hurts," Maria whispered, but she barely heard her helper over the thudding of her heartbeat. As she moved across to her other cuts, CJ sharply inhaled as she accidentally touched one of the many bruises caused by Romano's kicks. 

The two women sat quietly, wordlessly enjoying each other's company. Eventually, Maria moved to go back to her bed. As she reached the door, CJ felt the urge to call out to her, to say something, but stopped herself midway, falling back into a deep sleep.

No more nightmares plagued her sleep.


CJ awoke to the smell of something cooking coming from downstairs. Quickly dressing in a loose shirt and trousers, she followed the scent.

"Hey," Maria chirped, flipping a pancake on the stove, "I made breakfast. It's my way of saying thank you."
"You didn't have to, you know," CJ sighed, taking a seat next to the kitchen island.
"I know, but still. You've already done so much for me, and you barely know me!"

"I do know that you're Paulo's sister and that my father hurt you too. I-" she fumbled for words, "I feel responsible." Maria put the food in front of them and sat next to her.
"You're not responsible for his actions."

Just as her mouth opened to reply, the door to the kitchen crashed open, revealing Paulo behind it.
"Rise and shine," he sang. Both women groaned in unison.
"How do you keep getting in here?" CJ inquired in exasperation, "And do you ever knock?" 
"Nope!" he laughed, sitting next to the two.

Picking up a fork, he reached for one of her pancakes but was stopped by a threatening growl that resonated from her throat.
"Hey, Paulo," she looked him dead in the eyes as he gulped, "You remember what happened to Mike, right?" He nodded, fear consuming his eyes.

"Do you, by any chance, want the same thing to happen to you?" she leaned closer to him. Moving back, he shook his head, instead deciding to snatch food from his sister's plate.
"What happened to Mikey?" Maria pondered, glancing between the two. 

They both threw their heads back, hooting with laughter at the memory. Maria's face was filled with both shock and horror as they recounted the tale of CJ's first day back in the gang.
"Sounds like he had it coming," she laughed once they had stopped.

"It was so badass, though!" Paulo hooted. 

Maria shook her head to hide the smile playing on her face. Her eyes met those of the girl staring back at her, as the laughter faded into quiet panting. 
"I should get back," she broke the silence at last.

"To what?" CJ asked, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

She nodded understandingly, moving to bid her farewell.
"If you ever need a place to crash, I'm here." Maria smiled sadly, before moving towards the door.

"Call me, hermana," Paulo called after her.
"Fine," she rolled her eyes, shutting the door behind her.

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