Chapter 25- Questions

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Not daring to move, CJ watched Quil as they moved around the room. Dried blood clung to the plastic sheet on the floor, distant reminders of the last victim to enter this room.
"Sorry for the mess," Quil gushed, "You were sort of an unexpected guest."

"How did you know where I was?" she asked them as they arranged their equipment on the metal tray. The only response was a wink and knowing grin. Struggling against the belts that bound her to the chair, CJ inched away from the psychopath.

"So, little one," the words rolled creepily of their tongue, as they grabbed a scalpel, "Why are you going after Romano?" When she remained silent, they tutted her insubordination.
"Come on," they complained, "It's a simple question, And I don't want to get my knives dirty. Well... not too much, anyway."

Watching apprehensively, CJ decided that giving them as little information as possible was her safest bet.
"Initially," she paused, wording her answer carefully, "it began because he was bad for business and he was starting to encroach on my territory."

"After we realised he had kidnapped one of our own, intending to sell them, it became more personal."Quil watched her studiously as she spoke, staying quiet. 

"Who did he take?" they pushed after some consideration. No response came.
"You're testing my patience, you know. The boss said not to kill you but I really want to."

"Who do you work for?" CJ questioned in vain. Her captor simply laughed and wagged a finger at her, though their expression quickly darkened.
"What did I say about asking questions?" they delivered a sharp slap to her face.

However, CJ didn't turn away but rather watched Quil as they picked up a small, surgical scalpel.
"Maybe this will cure your silence." Sticking the sharp edge into her forearm, they dragged it down slowly. The crimson liquid flowed freely from the gash, dripping onto the chair. CJ  simply matched their grin

"You're gonna have to try harder than that."

"He said you would be harder to break than my usual visitors," they mused, "but they always crack in the end."
'Who do they work for?' CJ thought but kept it to herself.

Driving the knife back into her arm, deepening the cuts, making them gradually longer. More blood poured onto the ground, though CJ remained silent. 
"Who. Did. He. Take?" they repeated, stabbing her previously untouched arm with shallow wounds as they spoke.

Hissing with pain as the scalpel hit an old scar, CJ stared into Quil's eyes, daring them to ask again. Challenging them to awaken the beast that had long slumbered. 
"It's irrelevant," she dismissed, seemingly unaffected by the torture.

Quil snorted, bringing the knife up to her jaw.
"I'll decide that for myself, darling," they smiled close into her ear, dragging the blade along the bottom of her face. 

"When I get out of this chair..." CJ spat at them.
"If- honey," Quil corrected, smiling triumphantly. Their expression turned to one of speculation as they moved around the leather chair. 

"Hmm," they studied the woman in front of them, blood running down her neck, refusing to stop struggling against her trap.
"When did you get your first tattoo?" they implored. CJ frowned at the off-topic question but answered nonetheless.

"When I was fifteen..." her eyes never left Quil's as they paced around the room.
"Which one?" they followed up.
"The two roses on my collar bone."
"Because I could."

Quil pursed their lips doubtfully.
"That's not an answer."
"What else do you want?" CJ exclaimed, exasperated, "My whole backstory?"
"No," they looked up at the ceiling, wistfully, "I already know that."

"How?" Her question was ignored and replaced with one of Quil's own.
"Were you a rebellious child, in your opinion?" She shook her head in disbelief.
"I'm guessing you know who my father is," she stated, "With him raising me, there was no room for disobedience."

Quil nodded, unsurprised by the answer. 
"Anywho," they broke the silence, "I was instructed to extract information from you about this whole Romano-Díaz gang feud, as well as any weaknesses you may have."

"Beginning with whomever you went to such great lengths to protect them from Antonio for."
"No one important," she reiterated, shaking her head. 

"Your actions suggest otherwise," Quil countered, "Nobody infiltrates galas and get shrapnel in their back for 'no one'." CJ gasped. How had they known? Was there a- She cast the thought from her mind immediately, refusing to believe that she had been betrayed. 

"My more conventional methods do not affect you, it seems, though I think I have something that will loosen those lips of yours. Reaching back over the metal plate, they selected a syringe filled with a suspicious-looking, pale, green substance. 

"I won't tell you shit," CJ confirmed; her lips curled into a snarl.
"Of course you won't, dearie," Quil smirked, injecting her with the liquid.


The van pulled up outside of the derelict house; it's passengers piled out of it. Running up the pathway, the men had their weapons drawn, save for Aiden, who followed behind, along with Maria. Leo saw her concerned expression and fell into step with her.

As they crossed the threshold, he spoke.
"Don't worry. She's tough. There's nothing they can do that will break her." Adrian chimed in.
"Yeah, if anyone can go through whatever that 'Quil' is gonna do to her, it's CJ."
"You're right," Maria nodded, forcing herself to believe their encouraging words, "She's strong."

That's when the screaming began.

CJ's screams.

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