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i woke up next to brad which isn't unusual really. i needed to get my phone which was next to brad on his side of MY bed but i didnt want to move nor wake brad up. i got out of bed to go to the shower, i looked at the clock 12:00pm omg how lazy are teenagers these days? i got out of bed and went into the shower making sure before i went in i locked the door cos you dont know who will walk in having another person in the other room, me and brad have done it like 4 days ago cos we got drunk but we used protection!
i got in the shower letting the warm water stroll down by body. how much i love warm showers on a cold day, to be fair it is coming into winter only two months till my birthday oh how i cant wait to be 18 (burst into 5sos.)
I know everyone was going to fuss they always have about my birthday don't know why? I thinks it because I'm the youngest out of all of us so I m the cutest which I'm very happy about! but to be honest im not atractive at all!
i hoped out the shower and got changed into some blue skinny jeans and my arctic monkeys top, i added concealer, mascara, eyeliner and lip gloss. i Left my hair down just brushed it then straightened it. i walked out of the bathroom to see brad on his phone with no top on
"for fuck sake buy a top" i said covering my eyes and bashing into the door frame causing me to black out
i woke up to see myself in lexis bedroom with lexi not next to me, i heard the shower going and her singing so i knew she was in there. i decided to pass time by going on twitter facebook and messages i had one message from james asking what we did last night and where me and con where
i text him back saying were both at the girls apartment and we went clubbing plus you, tris, asha and jas got a little to drunk and made u sleep in our apartment
after about 10 minuets i heard lexi coming out i was texting james so i couldnt really look
"for fuck sake get a top on" i heard her shout then i heard a loud bang making my head jolt up, i saw lex laid flat out on the floor
"lexi, LEX WAKE UP!!!" i shouted shaking her slightly she wasnt waking up. i shouted to kat and connor to come in
"what the fuck have you done brad?" kat said running to her side
"i havent done anything" i said kneeling down by kats side
"what happened and please get a top on!"
"haha that weird" i said going to my wardrome and putting my beatles top on
"whats werid?" connor asked
"lex said the same thing before she bashed her head on the door" i said running back to lexi
"we need to call an ambulance" kat said looking at con
con took out his phone to call the ambulance
"erm ambulance please, yeah 46 norfolk building... okay bye thank you" he hung up he phone "why did i have to do that?"
" to build up your confidence cos we have the world tour next year" i sai tapping connors head
the ambulance came about 5 minuets taking lexi and kat with them, kat wouldnt let me go so she insisted that she should go cos shes known her the longest, which she has only by like 4 years!
me and connor went to the girls to tell them what had happened to lex we decided not to tell them about the top just say she hit her head preety hard. we were going to the hospital to see her when i got a call from kat
bold- brad normal-kat
hi what up is she allright? you sound like you've been crying!
no in not alright
why? whats happened to her?
they are running some tests not but shes not awake
well were on our way now we are nearly there
well you might want to be quick cos when i asked them if she was going to be allright they gave me an i don't think so look!
well be there as soon as i want to see her
i know
that's when we both hung up and we parked up to see lex, we havent even said love you well i have but she was asleep i kinda hope.
i ran into the hospital
"hello how can i help you" you have to be kidding me how can i help you
"ermm in here to see my sister" wow that felt weird
"okay what her name?"
"Alexis Daniels" i said quickly
"okay if you go to emergency department then block C you will see room 156 there she is" the receptionist said looking straight at the computer ignorant much?
"okay thank you" i said running off with the others following.
i got to room 156 i knocked on the door first until i heard a come in, i swung open the door this reminded me when i heard lexi say that the doors are to heavy and James quickly opened it but she couldn't i was up t that point it was funny to see her puzzled face!
i walked slowly in to see Kat grabbing onto her hand and lexi laid lifeless in the bed with that beepy thing still beeping thankfully!
i walked up to kat putting my hand on her shoulder, then it cane to me this was all my fault if i had wore a top then lex wouldnt of covered her eyes and bashed her head fucking hell this is my fault
"its not you fault" kat wispered
"you think out load a lot, its not you fault this happened" she said still facing lex
"because why would lexi shut her eyes it was just her reaction, i would do the same and dont forget lexi is clumsy just this time her clumsyness made her 50% dieing" kat said starting to cry
all the guys were sitting outside in total silence when me and kat came out we heard a cough coming from lexis mouth
hi omg what am i doing
few more chapters left of this book
what will happen to lexi? me and imogen have been having a longgggg convosation about it cos i was stuck untill we came to an agreement
what will happen? whats acctually happened to Alexis?
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