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<> 6 months later <>
So me and brad have not talked for like 5 months and it's killing me!
Me and Luke have been going on a couple of dates, we are going out, but this might sound really stupid but whenever we kiss or he holds my waist or hand there in no fireworks no sparks no nervousness!
Oh yeah I need to tell you why we haven't spoke
As you know brad gave me camcorder, after I got off the plane and went home I plugged it into the computer in my room and turned it on, brads bedroom showed up it stayed like that for 2minuets when the door slammed open and two people were kissing brad and WTF that was me! This is a fucking sex tape I know it is
I carried on for another 5 minuets I couldn't keep the tears in any longer I text brad saying
-to brad
Omg! What the fuck just happened
I'm glad we're over cos I do not have to see you disgusting face anymore
Don't talk to me AGAIN!
I cried and then smashed the camera .
I was so fucking happy I got away when I did. How could he do this to me? How could he not of told me?
All night I cried and cried, my brother came in to see if I was alright I didn't even open up to him. I needed Kat, Asha and jas so much now I decided to text Kat
To Kat
We need to Skype LIKE NOW
PLZ not with the boys PLZ!

Kat text back saying she'll call me now
<>on the Skype call<>
K- hey
K- wtf have you been crying
L- yeah that's why I called u
K- what's happened!
L- sextape
K- erm okay you need to come back now
L- I can't
K- well I'll sort the fucker out don't worry
And we ended the call straight away after that
So that's what happened yeah so life is perfect
I hate this time IV got to actually socialise but I don't lol coz that's me
"I'm not coming I'm off with Luke" I ran downstairs and peeped into the kitchen to see my mam take a big sigh
"When you going to break up with him he's not good for you"
"Just cos he has a lip ring Don't JUDGE A FUCKING BOOK BY ITS COVER" shit I swore
"Did you just swear at me" my mum proper shouted like it nearly made a tsunami in America
My dad was pissing himself and me brother fell of the chair
"Byeee" I said slamming the door
I ran to Luke who was out side my house in his car
"What happened the full house shook" he said laughing
"Oh my mam was being a bitch"
He just laughed
We were at this fancy restaurant and I mean really fancy they were people in suits and everything
"Everyone's looking at us"
"Cos I have a lip ring and you have blue and black dip dyed hair which look amazing by the way"
"Kiss up"
"You love it" no I don't I love it with brad
We were half way through the date when luke said
" right I have a really important question I need to ask you." Was he... No he couldn't it's been 6 months
"Okay" I said like really slowly
"Will you please come back to Australia with me?"
What will she say?
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hurricane[ a bradley will simpson/ the vamps fanfic] **completed**Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu