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So yeah I started the story pretty badly and put it right into the climax before I even had a grip on what my story was about and what was going to happen.

So I've been thinking and I'll just have a vote. If there is under three votes, I will discontinue this story.

First Option
The Yonbyakubi is awakened and Sakura and Hinata die before they can even battle Otsutsukimaru.

Otsutsukimaru merges with the Yonbyakubi.

Second Option
The Tsuki clan comes from their dimension to help Naruto and his group, but Naruto won't be as powerful as he ought to be, and his species will be subject to the full will of the Tsuki clan.

Third Option
The Otsutsuki win and Naruto gets killed by Otsutsukimaru. Naruto, however, gets reincarnated and fights on a couple millennia later.

Comment what you want to happen with this story.

Please make a vote by commenting on one of these options.

Anyways, 'till then, goodbye.

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