Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained: Stan's Tattoo

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Mabel pretends to squish Dipper's head, making sloshing noises.

"Hello, I'm Dipper Pines. The girl trying to crush my head is Mabel."

Mabel waves to the camera from behind it, "I'm helping!"

"Today on "Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained—""

Mabel "squishes" his head again.

"Okay, that—that's enough. Today we investigate Anomaly #23, Grunkle Stan's and our godfather's secret tattoos."

Both twins look at bulletin board with pictures of the Doctor's and Stan's ominous tattoos.

Stan's "tattoo" seemed to be around his back shoulder. The Doctor has two: one on his right arm, and some sort of animal going up on his back neck.

"What are they hiding? A college prank? Secret symbol? Or something stranger? Stan claims that his doesn't exist, and Dr. Smith says that he will talk about his later, but today we're gonna find out."

Mabel adds in, "Right after another exciting episode of... What's Under Mabel's Bandage? Doo doo..."

"Ew, Mabel!"

"Okay, here's the plan: first, the Shack's parlor. Stan never takes off his undershirt-obviously to hide his tattoo. But me and Soos are about to "turn up the heat" on this mystery."

"Ha ha! Literally! I love how you come up with stuff like that!" Soos stated.

Soos soon walks up to Stan, "Whoo, hot in here today, huh, Dr. Smith and Mr. Pines? Probably be a lot cooler if we..." as he takes off his shirt, "...worked without our shirts on! Am I right?"

"Soos, I will pay you to put your shirt back on." traumatized Stan said.

"Indeed..." The Doctor stated, as he was shocked like as Stan by Soos' sudden action.

"Aw, don't be shy, guys! Bodies are nothing to be ashamed of." Soos replies.

The Doctor walks out muttering, "Doesn't explain why my other-selves hated each other for fashion and habits..."

"Watch the shop for a minute, Soos. I need to go find a melon-baller and pull my eyeballs out." Stan adds in.

Not minding, Soos plays with his stomach and sings, "Do, do lo do do do. Do, do lo do do... hey! Da, da la da da—"

Whole lot later, the Doctor and Stan were relaxing as usual as their break from the certain thing downstairs...

Dipper tries flattery.

"Okay, Plan B. Heavens! Is that poison oak on your shoulder? Let me scratch it for you."

The Doctor smirks fondly before drinking his own homemade tea.

Stan smacks Dipper's hand away, "Kid, it's obvious-if you're trying to see our tattoos, you're going to have to try a lot harder than that."

"A-ha! So YOU do have a tattoo!"

"I don't, but you do..." Stan stated annoyed.

"What do you mean I— AAAH!"

Soon, Dipper has the word "Goober" written on his forehead.

"Okay, Plan C. Doc is in the shower. I wish it hadn't come to this, but like our godfather said, sometimes you have to do terrible things for science."

Mabel adds in, "I believe in you, Goober!"

"Dipper. Just say Dipper." He calmly stated.

He soon takes the camera, walks into the bathroom towards the running shower, unveils the curtain to reveals instead of the Doctor, it was Stan-fully dressed with water running down his furious face.

"You're never gonna see mine, kid. Never. GONNA. SEE IT," He growled.

"How long have you been standing there?" Dipper questioned.

"Give me that camera!"


"So I just figured I'd just chill out on the roof for a while-"


"Well, that's it for this episode. Our Grunkle's and friend's tattoos remains in mystery, but who knows what other secrets are waiting to be uncovered..."

Meanwhile, Soos is causually poking his stomach and singing.

"Do, do lo do do do. Do, do lo do do—"

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