Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained: Tooth

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"Welcome to Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained, Anomaly #42: The Tooth!" As he points the camera at Mabel and the Doctor, who both are poking the tooth with a stick.

"I'm here for scale!"

"I found it yesterday when I was, uh... practicing."

Dipper was playing a Sousaphone.

Suddenly stops playing and points, "Hey Doc, is that a giant tooth?!"

"Strangely human, but it's gigantic! It's bigger than any fish or lake monster I've ever seen. And we're gonna find out where it came from!"

First, they asked Tate McGucket, son of Old Man McGucket.

"Tooth? No, don't know nothing about a tooth."

"We were thinking about paddling out on that lake tonight."

"Bit of friendly advice, boy: If you see bubbles on that lake, run."

"What, why?"

"We shall see...say how is Fiddleford doing?" The Doctor asks.

"I'm here at the lake to investigate. I brought Mabel and Doc for backup."

Mabel adds in, "And I brought Bear-O, my adorable childhood puppet. Hey-oooh! Ain't that right, honey? Did somebody say...honey? Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Nope, creepy. Bear-O's creepy. Everyone hates Bear-O."

The Doctor shrugs his shoulders. "Meh."

"But Dipper, who could hate Bear-O?"

"I can think of a few people."

"Aw, come on! You'll see! You, me and Bear-O, are the adventure team of a lifetime!"

Soon, the Doctor, Dipper, and Mabel are on the boat; Dipper has made Mabel leave Bear-O behind, the camera zooms out to a disgruntled Mabel, rowing.

"Okay, something out there left that tooth, and we're gonna find out what it is!"

Mabel holds up a sign, which reads, "DO YOU WANT MORE BEAR-O?! LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD WRITE: Mabel Pines, c/o Mystery Shack, Gravity Falls"

"No, no, come on!"

"Careful!" The Doctor told the twins, the rowboat seemed to be more rocky.

"What are we supposed to be looking for?"

"I don't know, just look out for bubbles in the water."

Bubbles come up near an island.

"Dipper, look!"

"They're over by that island! We have to see what happens!"

The island shakes.

"I don't think it is a good idea!" The Doctor shouts, tugging the rowboat's oars.

"What was that?"

Mabel screams.

"What's happening?!"


The island is revealed to be a giant head that rises out of the water and floats toward the boat, bellowing very loudly in gibberish.


"It's getting closer!"



"EVERYONE HOLD ON!" The Doctor shouts.

A crawfish crawls by and Dipper comes into sight.

"I don't know, I've been looking for— there it is. Okay, after it attacked us, that giant head thing just sunk back into the lake, and it lost another one of its teeth trying to eat our boat! But the important thing is, we survived. Barely."

The Doctor huffs out while fixing his bow-tie, "...yeah, BARELY!"

"Ugh, yeah. Did somebody say, bear-ly?" with Mabel adding in as Bear-o puppet.


...20-8-5 4-1-18-11-14-5-19-19 9-19 14-5-1-18.

20-8-5 13-15-14-19-20-18-15-21-19 14-15-20 19-15 8-1-16-16-25 6-1-13-9-12-25 13-1-14 9-19-12-1-14-4 19-1-25-19: "25-15-21 8-1-22-5 4-9-19-20-21-18-2-5-4 13-25 19-12-21-13-2-5-18. 5-14-20-5-18 13-25 13-15-21-20-8, 3-8-9-12-4-18-5-14! 5-14-20-5-18 25-15-21-18 4-5-19-20-9-14-25 20-9-13-5-12-15-18-4!"

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