Fixing it with Soos!: Golf Cart

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"Hey dudes! And welcome back to "Fixin' it with Soos," the show where I always forget that I'm leaning on the soldering iron-AHHHHH! OWW! OW!"

After patching his arm by the Doctor, Soos asks Wendy and Dipper, "What needs fixing today?"

"Well, me and Dipper were just doing normal work stuff with the golf is busted for some reason. You think you can fix it so we can finish our stunt?"

"You have called upon my fix-it powers. I accept this call, Wendy."

"Huh? What call?"

"The call of... POWER!" Edited pictures of lightning appear around Soos' hands.

"...What's happening right now?"

Soos whispering, "I'll show you guys later. Oh no! A bat!" Edited Bat picture appears. "Laser eyes, go!"

Edited Lasers appear from his eyes and make the bat explode.

"Still in the dark over here."

Soon, Dipper and Soos are in jump suits.

"It's time to fix the golf cart. At the end of the show, Dipper and Wendy will rank my handymanship from 1 to 10. (Whispering to Dipper) Vote 10!"

"Happy to do it, dude. Hey, do you think a girl would think I look cool in this jump suit? I mean..." then went on laughing.

"Some things, even Soos can't fix."

Later, Soos is fixing the engine of the golf cart and Dipper walking in the background.

"Huh, looks like a problem with the fuel injector. Some parts are missing. Dipper, try the engine now."

Dipper walks to the golf cart and starts the engine successfully. "Hey! You did it, man, it works!"

"My fix-it power, has been unleashed!"

"Why do you keep saying stuff like that?"

"Unleash the POWER! Woo woo wooooo!"

Soos' head is pasted on a wolf's body. Dipper's head is next to the moon.

"Well I'm not done yet, it's not quite as rad as possible. Time cut!"

Cut to screens where Soos' head floats.

"Fix it! Do it! Accidentally unscrew it!"

Cut to Dipper, Wendy and Soos standing next to the golf cart covered with a white sheet.

"Behold!" He uncovers the white sheet from the golf cart.

Dipper and Wendy exclaim, "Whoa!"

Background music starts, showing the redesigned cart from different angles.

"So let's make this jump!"

Dipper, Wendy and Soos driving the golf cart.

"I don't think we have enough speed to make it."

Soos exclaim, "Hit the nitrous boosters!"

Wendy stated, "Aren't those illegal?"

"You bet your life they are, baby!" Soos presses a button on the steering wheel which makes the cart increase speed.

Wendy and Dipper scream happily. The golf cart jumps over the ramp and doesn't land on the other side of the ramp.

"We're clearing it! We're clearing it!"

"So, what score do I get, from one to ten?"

Dipper and Wendy chant, "Ten out of ten! Ten out of ten!"

"Thanks, Guys!"

Dipper, Wendy and Soos scream as the golf cart slowly faces down, about to crash.

"Oh, dude, oh no! Watch out watch—"

The Doctor appears, "Say, sorry about taking the fuel injector spare parts, Stan and I were-GGGGAAAAAAAHHHHHH!"

Background music stops. Cuts to a birds-eye view of the Mystery Shack, and the golf cart embedded in the left side of the roof. Soos, Dipper and Wendy are on the ground near the Mystery Shack's front door. Stan comes out of the Mystery Shack. The Doctor was fixing his own bow-tie due to the sudden crash.

"Soos! I think the roof is broken! Can you fix it for me?"

Soos stated, "I make my own economy."

Cuts to a picture of Soos as a tiger in one of the golf cart designs shown before. A tiger roar sounds, end cut.

20-8-5 4-15-3-20-15-18 3-15-13-13-5-14-20-19 1-2-15-21-20 20-8-5 5-22-5-14-20-19 6-18-15-13 12-5-6-20-25, "19-15-13-5 20-9-14-25 1-12-9-5-14 19-16-5-3-9-13-5-14-19 13-1-25 8-1-22-5 19-21-18-22-9-22-5-4 16-5-18-8-1-16-19 8-9-4-9-14-7 9-14 20-8-5 20-15-23-14 9-14 18-15-2-15-20-19 4-9-19-7-21-9-19-5-4 1-19 8-21-13-1-14-19". 1-12-12 18-5-19-3-21-5-4 2-25 20-8-5 4-15-3-20-15-18 20-15 1 19-1-6-5-18 16-12-1-3-5.

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