Who Falls Season 2 Chapters Preview

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The Pines family are now in more danger than ever in the paranormal-filled town of Gravity Falls...

However, they have luck on their side: their enigmatic family friend called the "Doctor"...

But is he enough to stall the danger is lurking ahead...?

Cue Gravity Falls Season 2 trailer (A/N: Credits to the video!)

In the night in search of answers, Dipper sees how windy it is, and prepares to leave...

He gets up with the Doctor next to him, but they found out they aren't alone...

Dipper holds up a lantern...

The crew of Dipper, Mabel, Soos, Wendy, and the Doctor head down in an underground cave...

Wendy found an opening...

Dipper still want to find more answers, then he realizes how well the Doctor is known in this town, and how he combats the paranormal...

Two electronics came to life...

Zombies cast their shadows upon the Doctor, Dipper, Mabel, and Waddles...

A golf cart containing Dipper, Pacifica, Mabel, and the Doctor are shot from the make-shift volcano...

A sock puppet show is being performed...

A giant robotic bear attacks the characters...

Dipper, Mabel, and Stan with the Doctor unlock another mystery in Journal 3...

Zombies, the undead, rise from the cracks...

Dipper and Mabel were talking with the Doctor while passing by; Bill's shadow is seen following them, along with the Doctor's shadow casting what-seems-to-be-an-elderly-person...

Stan and the Doctor reopen the portal...

The crew seemed to be surrounded in an underground booby trap...

Benjamin Blandin returns...

Lazy Susan is surrounded by two hooded figures...

Soos is astounded by a beautiful female live-action video game character...

The Doctor with the twins open a mysterious mini-golf course's Ferris Wheel...

Grunkle Stan is snatched by a giant animated clay hand.

Pacifica is snatched through the bushes...

Wendy is looking more determined than ever...

Gideon Gleeful opens one eye due to a mysterious light in his cell...

Two men seemed to have a federal clearance...

The Doctor and Dipper are shocked to see Bill Cipher himself is appearing right in from of them...

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