TV Shorts (as usual)

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The Doctor was inside the Mystery Shack. He checks his fob watch's time. It has been years he was with the Pines family. They certainly grown on him. Soon enough, dangers from this town filled with paranormal mysteries would connect to outside beyond. And he couldn't wait for everything to be at its place.

He soon checks on the Pines family as usual...

Mabel sitting in front of the TV.

"Ah, Gravity Falls Public Access TV. Sounds amazing!"

Channel 3 is on, which has a black background with a white question mark. Then, Stan appears with green screen errors around his body.

"Hi. I'm Mr. Mystery. Do you like to be befuddled? Bewe-bewels. Bell-welderd? Bawled...Bewildered? Then Behold!"

"...So get yourself down to the Mystery Shack, where the real mystery is—(Close-up on Stan's Face, low, scary voice) If you'll make it out alive! Hahaha! I'm joking. Most...Most folks made it out alive." Stan makes a thumbs-up, and points to the thumb.

"Mr. Mystery does not assume liability for disappointment, strange rashes or accidental plunges into the bottomless pit. Visitors may experience loss of vision, loss of balance, loss of children or loss of wallet. Please do not look Mr. Mystery directly in the eye. Not responsible of uncontrolled fits of rage or fits of pants. Remember to tip your waitress. In the event of no waitress, remember to tip your Mr. Mystery. In the even (sic) of no tip, you will be escorted from the premises. Kids' admission is $30 because they smell bad and that one keeps doing that weird thing with his legs. Side effects may include existential quandaries and sudden moral relativism."

Mabel changes the channel to Channel 4. A text of "SOOS SAYS SOME WORDS" (which is the logo of the show) appears with a pink clouds background. Background music starts and Soos starts to sing.

"Sometimes profound, sometimes absurd, it's "Soos Says Some Words!"

"If you accidentally eat the prize that comes inside your cereal, does that make you a specially marked box?"

Mabel changes to Channel 6. Gravity Falls' prison is shown.

Bud Gleeful announces: From Gravity Falls' maximum security prison, it's... "Li'l Gideon's Big House!".

Cuts to Gideon with a prisoner orange suit.

"Hi, I'm Li'l Gideon. I may be currently incarcerated, but I'm turnin' my life around by turnin' around the lives of those around me around."

The Doctor scoffs as the channel still runs on. Although he doesn't have high opinions on Gideon due to recent events that lead him to be in jail, the Doctor knew that certain events are in motion...Gideon might have to take part in it...

"...That's "Li'l Gideon's Big House", weekdays at six till I get out."

Ghost-Eyes roared next him, "You better listen to Li'l Gideon!" as he breaks the glass in front of him and Gideon.

"Thank you Ghost-Eyes!"

"I'd do anything for you, dog." They both fist bump each other.

Red lights are turned on and a siren is played.

"Oh, no! The Warden!"


Gideon jumps on Ghost-Eyes back and they both run away. Cuts to a picture of the TV with a bird in the middle and a text saying "TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES" and "PLEASE STAND BY" on the bottom of the TV screen.

"Li'l Gideon's Big House" will return as soon as we contain this riot."

Mabel turns off the TV with her remote looking disappointed.

"It's always worse than you remember."

The Doctor adds in, "Ah, don't worry about it Mabel. Some things wouldn't change..."

Soon Stan gets hold of the TV.

"Gravity Falls Public Access TV. Beats just starin' at a blank wall! Barely."

Stan turns on the TV. Channel 3 is on, which is playing "Why You Ackin' So Cray-Cray?".

"And now back to "Why You Ackin' So Cray-Cray?."

"...Aww, girl. Girl, you know what I'm about to say!"


Sassica turns to the crowd and screams in anger, "I'm not yo' puppet!"

Stan changes the channel to Channel 4. The logo of the show "Teenz Talk" with Sheriff Blubs underneath it appears. Background music starts in the background. Cuts to Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland in a basketball auditorium, dressed as Craig and Rick, high school pupils. Sheriff Blubs has a basketball in his hands.

"...Here we are, two good friends at a high school basketball game. Hey, Rick!"

Deputy Durland as Rick, catches the basketball, "Hey, Craig!"

In this channel, the comical duo make many '80s or '90s references, along playing around with a purple jeep.

Suddenly, Lee and Nate are shown wearing and stealing the cops' uniforms, laughing and running to Wendy in the police car they stole.

"Hey there, looking good, sheriff! Wohoo!"

Sheriff Blubs then exclaims, "Let's Roll!" They both enter the jeep and starts to slowly drive, a car horn sound is played.

The Doctor grimaces, and quickly runs for his own car, Bessie to stop the mischievous teens.

Meanwhile, Stan changes the channel to channel 6. The "Duck-tective" show logo appears with London's view behind.


The story plays out with comical parts, then jealously and betrayal storyline.

Later, Stan turns off the TV.

"Yeesh... That's enough of that. Stupid duck."

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