Fixing it with Soos!: Cuckoo Clock

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Soos starts up the video, "Hey, dudes! Welcome to 'Fixin' It With Soos', the only home "Fix It" show that I edited myself on my own computer."

A giant hand appears and moves to Soos.

Giant Hand with a low, mechanical, deep voice, "HIGH FIVE!"

Soos high fives it and a WAP sign appears. The hand disappears, "Thanks, clip-art hand! Today I have this broken cuckoo clock from the Doctor." He picks up a broken Cuckoo Clock. "You can see it's tore up from the floor up. The Doctor says Stan broke it on accident, and asks me to fix it!"

"STOP MAKING THAT NOISE!" Stan angrily stated as he whacked the cuckoo clock with his baseball bat.

The Doctor comes in the shack, "Hey, Stan! What's shaking-OWCH!"

The broken, battered clock fell on the Doctor. "OY!"

"I'm gonna fix it up, and when I'm done, Dr. Smith will rate my handiwork on the "Awesome-o-meter"!"

Soos pickes up the "Awesomeometer" Page. Giant Hand appears again.

Giant Hand, low, mechanical, deep voice, "HIGH FIVE!"

"Not, not now, bro..."

"Duct tape! Wood Glue! Hey you!"

The video cuts to Soos in the break room holding a "fixed" cuckoo clock, only taped with a few pieces of duct tape.

"Almost there! Although, something off..." The clock starts to fall apart. "Ah-ha! It needs decorations!"

Mabel Pines enters the scene, sipping a juice box, "Oooh! Make it leopard print!" she advises.

Mabel is holding chips now; the Cuckoo Clock is covered with leopard print and has two fuzzy dice attached to it.

"Whoa... What else does it need?"

"A beach house! So the cuckoo can live in style."

It cuts to the break room again with Soos and Mabel sitting on the floor and the Cuckoo Clock has a mini-house taped to the right side.

"Ah, the bird is going to need some homies. I'll call you Kurt, Jaden, Carlos and De'Andre!"

"Some boomboxes!"

Mabel adds in, "A slide! And a ball pit!"

"A pyrotechnics kit!"

"Real animal fur!"

"Lasers! LASERS, DUDE!"

Soon, Mabel and Soos went staring at the finished cuckoo clock.

"What do you think?"

"It's too dope, I can't cope!"

Later to the Mystery Shack's living room with Mabel holding the "Awesomeometer", Soos in front of the Cuckoo Clock, the Cuckoo Clock covered with an old sheet and the Doctor on the side.

"Dr. Smith, are you ready for the grand unveiling of this brand new Cuckoo Clock?"

Stan comes in. "You've joined forces with Mabel. This is an unsettling development."


Soos uncovers the Cuckoo Clock and it is revealed to make music, light up the place and more many decorations Soos and Mabel wanted, for example the slide and the boomboxes.

"So, Stan, What do you think?"

Stan questions, "Why is it permanently set to six eighteen?"

"Its hands are in the air, like it just doesn't care! So, one to ten, what do you guys give it?"

"Well, it doesn't make that horrible Cuckoo sound anymore, so... I don't know, ten out of ten, whatever." Stan exclaims.

"Ah-you redecorated!" The Doctor adds in.

Soos then is very happy and surprised, and drops the Cuckoo Clock on the Doctor's foot, destroying it in the process.

The Doctor is interrupted, "I d-OWCH!"

The edited video cut to many screens including; Soos shooting a "PROBLEM" text with laser eyes making the word solved appear, hitting a Pinyata of a colored zebra that has a "PROBLEM" text on it—then explodes, the "Awesomeometer' explodes, Soos standing on an edge of a cliff in the sunset, a lava burst and more.

Soos screams on the cliff edge, "SOLVED!"

"Join us next time as we fix my computer, because I think I've crashed it permanently making some of those graphics (Soos' computer monitor explodes). Did we get that? Save it for the explosions reel!"

A drawing of Soos with no hand, muscled body and a tool in his hand. "THE END" is written on the screen under the drawing, a tiger roar sound is in the background.

1-19 14-15-20-5-4: 9 1-19-11 25-15-21 23-8-25 19-8-15-21-12-4 20-9-13-5 15-14-12-25 13-15-22-5 6-15-18-23-1-18-4 23-8-25 13-21-19-20 3-1-21-19-5 16-18-5-3-5-4-5 5-6-6-5-3-20 23-8-15 22-15-20-5-4 15-14 20-8-5 12-1-23-19 15-6 16-8-25-19-9-3-19?

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