Chapter 12

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Zoey POV

Im just in complete shock. Mike has.....multiple personalities disoder!? It makes sense know. Trent told me that Mike has been bullied at school, he can't have a job because of he's condition. I feel so sorry for him. Mike is so sweet, but it must be hard for him. I wish he told me sooner.

I looked at him, he was looking at the floor. I can see tears coming out of his eyes.

Mike POV

I couldn't stop the tears that were rolling down my cheeks. I didn't want to cry in front of Zoey, but remembering my past, how I was treated, made me feel horrible and devastated. I don't want to loose Zoey, she's the best thing that's ever happened in my life. Spending time with her, having fun with her, was really amazing. I don't want to be incomplete.

"Im just a...freak"I whisper still looking at the floor. I felt Zoey hugging me.

"Your not a freak, your just different"she whispered in my ear.She wiped the tears out of my cheeks and she placed a soft kiss on my right cheek.

"I wish you could have told me sooner, but I know how hard it must be"she whispered still hugging me. She puts her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her waist.

We stayed like this for about 5 minutes, until I broke the silence.

"You don't think im a freak or a crazy insane person"I asked sadly.

"No Mike because I... like you...a lot"she looked at me in the eyes and suddenly she...kissed me on the lips. My eyes widened as she kissed me. I closed my eyes and kiss back, it was soft and sweet.

Seconds later, we pulled back, we were both blushing. I wanted to kiss her cheek, but I was to nervous.

"Can we play call of duty?"she asked not looking at me. She was hidding her blush. She is cute when she blushes.


We started to play Call of Duty black ops 2 with other people. Zoey had Trent's account, so she can play online with me.While we were playing, I told her about my personalites, except for Mal. I don't want her to be freak out about Mal, but Mal is trapped, right? I told her their names, how they get triggered and what do they like.

While we were playing , Zoey killed me. I got frustrated.

"Awww come on, I still didn't kill anyone"right after I said that I felt weird and confused, but I kept playing.

Every time I got killed by someone, I get frustrated.

"Hey Zoey?"

"Yeah Mike"she was still focus on the game, but it was almost over.

"Something weird"I said while the game ended.

"Why?"she questioned me.

"Well Chester did not took control of my body"

"Yeah I notice. Is it a bad thing or a good thing?"she asked me.

"I don't know, maybe I should take off my shirt to see if Vito can take control, but if he takes control put my shirt on, okay?"

"...Okay"she said. I took off my shirt and I was still in control. Know I got scared.

"Wait here" I told Zoey. I ran to my room to look for Manitoba Smith's hat, but it wasn't in my room. I got to Trent's room and it was on his bed. I took the hat and ran back to Zoey. I put the hat on my head, but nothing, still in control.

I started to freak out"Mike calm down, maybe your...cured"she said, but then I noticed she was often looking at my shirtless body. I blushed a bit.

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