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I look out the window and see dusk break. I smile for once, happy that the darkness is coming. I now go to Xacier's house everyday when night starts to fall. I love being around him... I start to daze off forgetting time.

I look outside and it's completely dark. I don't dare to look at the clock but I do.

It's ten pm?! How long did I doze off!?

I stand up and rush next door, opening Xacier's door as quietly as I can. He sometimes he says up extremely late, other nights he can go to bed when dusks brakes.

I step inside and tiptoe around, peering into the dinning room. I saw Xacier, it literally looked like he was moping like a child. He looks so fucking cute! I squealed and he looked up with a startled look, I looked at him flushing a dark red. How ridiculous could I be? squealing so suddenly when he doesn't even know I'm there...

I started to laugh suddenly, pushing my uneasy nerves aside, walking up to the startled male and wrap my arms around him. "You looked so cute!" i exclaimed as we make brief eye contact. He looks away and pushes me off him, at first I thought I did or said something wrong. Then I looked at his ears, they were completely red. I just smile widely, the scary giant dinosaur was blushing and flustered. How menacing -pfft-

"Xacier, you don't like direct eye contact do you?" I asked, wrapping my arms around him again, he brought the back of his hand to his face to try his best to cover it. He shook his head.

I nuzzle into him, chuckling a bit more until I was thrown over his shoulder and we entered his bedroom.

He places me down and I snuggle into him before he can even lay down.

I swear, I think I saw him smile. Oh, how beautiful he'd be if he just did smile. I try imagining him smiling, his feather eyelashes and purple eyes full and arched with happiness and a smile tugging at his lips. But I can't make him look right. I try again in my mind. It's just a blur. I frown, and lay next to Xacier as my eyes strain to look at him.

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