The Winter's Tale: Themes and Further Reading

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After Hermione is able to convince Polixenes to stay we see Leontes absent minded and then refusing to hold hands. 'Too hot, too hot! To mingle friendship far is mingling bloods.' Act I ii.

'Thy mother plays' Leontes is convinced Hermione is having an affair with Polixenes and is letting his jealousy consume him. Act I ii.

'Be cured of this diseased opinion.' says Camillo referring to Leontes' jealousy. Act I ii.

'I must be the poisoner of good Polixenes' -Leontes' jealousy went so far he wanted Polixenes poisoned. Act I ii.

'How should this grow' Polixenes says which represents Leontes' jealousy growing. Act I ii.

Leontes sends Hermione to prison for a trial later. Crossing a limit. Act II i.

Antigonus says 'You are abused and by some putter on that will be damned for it. Would I knew the villain!' His jealousy is the villain Act II i.

Ironically Leontes is prisoner to is jealousy.

Makes him appear mad as everyone in the play protests Hermione's innocence.

'You are mad.' Paulina says. Act II iii.

Apollo's oracle says: 'Leontes is a jealous tyrant.' Act III ii.

In his fury Leontes denies the revelation and is punished for his jealousy by the death of Hermione and Leontes. Act III ii.

The lack of motive for Leontes' jealousy is criticised as weakness.

It could be argued that Shakespeare does not wish to analyse jealousy but use it as the onset to the vil cycle in his play which is quickly followed by repellence and reconciliation.


Rebirth of Perditha as a Shepherd's daughter. Act III iii.

When ladies discuss Hermione's pregnancy it is discussed as a joyful experience and the renewal of life. Act II i.

Perditha represents the powerful force of nature which is uncorrupted by civilisation. Also expresses joy in creation and fertility. Brings spring with her which is the season of rebirth. Act IV iv.

Marriage between Perditha and Florizel symbolises chances, nature, regeneration and fertility. Act V ii.

Marriage between Perditha and Florizel symbolises chances, nature, regeneration and fertility. Act V ii.

Rebirth of Hermione. Act V iii.

Regeneration of characters' broken bonds. Act V ii & iii.

Forgiveness and Reconciliation:

Leontes' 16 years of penance and mourning. Cleomenes: 'Sir you have done enough, ad have performed a saint like sorrow.' Act V i.

In Act V it is explained how Leontes has mourned and never remarried.

Repentance followed by forgiveness, mercy and grace as Hermione is restored. Act V iii.

Perditha and Hermione's revival completes the cycle as repentance brings forgiveness and forgiveness brings reconciliation.

Spring after long winter.

Illusion and Disguise and Reality:

Leontes' jealousy is an illusion which blinds him even from the truth of the oracle. Act III ii.

Perditha lives for 16 years disguised as a Shepherd's daughter.

Florizel disguises himself to meet her. He is blinded by his love, yet it is not an illusion, it is real. 'I am heir to my affection' (my fav, always gets me) Act IV iv.

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