Chapter 10

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Lunch ended and and I have came to find out that I have my next class with the twins, but not Subaru. I'm neither sad nor happy about that. That's just that.

Subaru gave me a hug before going to class saying "I'm gonna miss you sis!".

Scarlet have forgot to get a few books from her locker, Peter just went with her and told me that they'll meet me at class. I ended up walking by myself, it quieter like this.

And then I saw the three girls again. Well two, the other one wasn't there just the brunette and the blondie.

"Well well well, won't you look who it is." The blondie started. Gosh, may I please get peace and quiet one day.

"May I please just get to-"

"Looks like the little kitty is scared, and wanna leave to tell her teacher." The brunette made a pouty face while saying that.

All I wanted was to go to class. "So here's what's gonna happen-"

"Well, Peter it looks like we have company."
I heard a voice behind me, it was Scarlet next to her brother.

"I guess Anna Maryland and Ava Deans came to play with us." Peter got into a know-it-all pose or something.

The twins both came up behind me on opposite sides. "What? Aren't you guys suppose to be in class?" I guess Anna started.

"Technically speaking yes, but my dear sister had forgotten a few books, and now that we have some pests in our path. So again, yes."

Scarlet giggled at Peter's reply, Anna and Ava just cliched their teeth. They seemed frightened or scared of them for some reason.

"Tch, whatever. It wasn't worth it anyways." Anna started. "Yeah I guess, see you next time loser!" They both walked pass by us.

Was there a reason why they were so scared of the twins? Because, I know they wouldn't have walked away so easily, eh whatever, I need to thank them later.


Teacher talking again, how boring. I wonder, why are buildings called building if they're alreader built. But they are like built so they aren't building anything, is it because it will be torn down soon or under construction, no it's already built so that doesn't make sens-

"-(Y/N), stop daydreaming about your favorite animes. Class is over." Scarlet said.

"Oh, I didn't even realize."

As I was packing my stuff Scarelet went over to Peter for something. Until I heard someone else wanting my attention.

"Um (Y/N)?"

"Huh? Oh hey Daegan! What's up?" I noticed that he had everything packed up. I mean of course, it's the end of the day. Dang (Y/N), why are you so slow sometimes.

"Would you like to go somewhere later? If you're not doing anything..." As the trailed off.

"Uhh su-"

"Actually, (Y/N) here, is going to be tutoring with me to help my sister today, since Scarlet really needs the help." I heard Peter behind me.

"So both you and (Y/N) have to help her?"

Then I felt Scarlet coming up behind me as well. "Yeah, I reaaally need some pointers on this lesson. Also, I might fail this test if I don't get the help. So, I think we're going to get going now. Right Peter?"

"Yeah..., see you later!" They both of them quickly got me out of the classroom, leaving a speechless Daegan.

(Scarlet POV)

We were waiting for (Y/N) outside her and Subaru's house so she can gather a few things to "help" me out.

"Good thing we got her when we did." Peter started. We were sitting outside of the house on a bench, I was laying my head down on Peter's shoulder.

"Yeah, just imagine if Subaru found out about that."

"He would have been mad or annoyed. Crybaby much?"

"Nah, it's just he's a little too obsessed with little (Y/N)"

"Yeah, since she's-" We both heard the door opening, and looked who it was.

"Well, speak of the devil, it's (Y/N). Who took five billion years getting ready for a tea party that's only going to be a hour long."

"I didn't take that long!" She growled.

I laughed at her reaction. If only she knew.

Yo! It's ya favorite author! It's is I!! Nene!!
And just to let ya know, you're beating and amazing, and have a great day/nightttt!
*author gets blown away by wind from hurricane*
Yeah, the hurricane's coming. So y'all be careful!

P.S. I edited a bit since part of it didn't made sense to some humans. The "tutor" part. 02/26/20

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