Chapter 14

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I was in my room thinking about what should we do for the project. Or where we should do it? When? Just all of the factors into completing the project. I was sitting at my desk, and picked up my phone. I began to text Daegan.

But to my surprised, he already texted me. About an hour ago. Now I don't want to respond, I think that'll make me look bad or something. I don't know, I guess it'll be awkward.

I sighed and pushed myself to text him. Taking my chances.

Daegan: Hi (Y/N)

You: Hello

I put my phone down, only to get another text from him. "Woah, that was fast.''

Daegan: Um so I was just wondering, when should we do the project?

You: Since today's Thursday, let's work start working on it over the weekend.

Daegan: Okay. My place or your place?

I thought for a second, thinking about my house. It's not noisy, but that doesn't mean someone won't be. So just to be safe...

You: Your place will be fine.

I moment passed before I got his next message.

Daegan: Okay, I guess I'll see you then. I'll send you the address now

You: Okay, but what time?

Daegan: Anytime should be fine

You: Then 1pm it is! Then I guess I'll see you tomorrow!

Daegan: Yeah, see you then (Y/N). Later

You: Yep!

"At 1 o'clock then? I should be awake by then.'' I said to myself

"Why do you need to be awake at 1?''

I spin my head around to see Subaru sitting on my bed. Honestly, why didn't he knock. Now that I think about it, I didn't even hear him.

"Meeting someone for homework.'' I look at him to see that he was now staring at me. He doesn't think I'm lying does he? Why would I lie about something like that?

He now pats his hand on my bed, next to him. He wants me to sit there? Why? I didn't question myself anymore before walking over near him. I sat down sluggishly, making the bed bounce a little.

"So, who's this someone?'' I didn't respond, since I was deciding whether or not if I should tell him. ''It's Daegan, is it?'' I leans closer to me as he begins to interrogate me. "A-And what if it is?" Shoot, I stuttered.

I smirked at my response, and replied with ''Now, why would you need to go to his house? Or is he coming here?''. My heart was racing fast, and scared for some reason. Wait, why am I scared?

"N-no. I'm actually going to his place...'' I drifted that sentence off as I see something in his eyes. I wasn't sure what it was, but I came to dislike it.

Suddenly, I noticed he began to grab both of my wrists and put them above my head, making me lay down on the bed. He hovers over me allowing me to see his features up closely. And Subaru begins to speak again. ''What would you do if he begins to do things like this?''

My face was red, and my breathing was staggered do to his actions. He leans in closer, as if we weren't near each other already, and begins to whisper in my ear. "(Y/N)...''

He's too close, wayyy to close.

"Tell me.., what will you do?'' His usual happy and cheery voice didn't exist anymore, instead it was replaced with this deep and husky one.

Out of reflex I kicked him where the sun didn't shine. He got off of me, and fell back onto my bed.

He groaned in pain, as I repeatedly apologized to him. Saying that 'it was a reflex'.

'' was my fault. Sorry.'' He sat up and gave me a big smile, ''Now at least I'll know that you can defend yourself!''

Subaru got up quickly as he headed for the door. ''You're not mad at me? But I just-''

''Like I said, it's fine. My mistake.'' He continued to smile as he opened the door to head toward his room. I swear that I saw him blushing on his way out...
Thanks everyone for all of the love from my last chapter!

Sorry if the texting part was a lil difficult to read. I tried making it italic, but failed miserably...

So, if you want to check out my story, ''Just a Little Unique''. It's about vampire dudes. So ye

Love ya! And thanks for reading my author notes. Because some humans skip them. Got gonna lie, I tend to skip them too^^;

Welp, byebye!

Love You Sis「StepBrother xReader」Where stories live. Discover now