Two Days Later Continued (Insurgent)

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Apparently after the attack, half of surviving Dauntless sided with Erudite, and people have taken to calling them Dauntless traitors. The other half of surviving Dauntless went to Candor for refuge, and allies.

We are now all at Amity, and Four and I are trying to stay as far away as possible from Marcus.

Johanna (Amity's leader) has granted us refuge, but as Amity is all about peace, we will be thrown out if we cause any fights, and we aren't allowed any weapons on Amity turf. It appears she has granted refuge to a group of Abnegation who managed to escape from the attack, and ran to Amity like we did.

However, secretly, Tris has a gun, and Four and I both have a set of seven knives each.

I'm scared, and every time I hear a sound I'm not expecting, I jump in fright, scared that the Erudite, and Dauntless traitors have found us. They haven't yet, but sooner or later, they are bound to come to Amity looking for us.

While we are here, Marcus, Caleb, Peter, Tris, Four, and me are pretending to be Amity, though it is hard, as most of their clothes don't cover mine, Four's, and Tris' tattoos . I am still wearing some of my Dauntless clothes, like my leggings and tank top, underneath my borrowed Amity clothes, which consists of a red, high-necked, long-sleeved t-shirt, and a pair of loose yellow jeans. Sadly I cant wear my black boots here, so instead I wear white flats, or walk around barefoot, making sure I have a bag packed at all times, with my boots, my hoodie, my fingerless gloves, my knives and some medical supplies.

Apparently, according to Four, if the Erudite and Dauntless traitors come to Amity looking for us, we will try to blend in with the Amity, though we have to be ready to run at any moment, in case they find out who we are. As Four, Tris and I have hidden weapons, we can fight our way out if we need to.

Caleb says that even though he could stay here with the Abnegation, when Tris, Four and I leave for Candor when we feel it is safer, he wants to come with us.

Four, Tris, Peter and Caleb have all gone to lunch... I guess I should go and join them; I can hear a commotion coming from the dome, suggesting that Peter and Tris are fighting...

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