A Very Traumatic Week Later

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Trigger Warning (Torture and ''Death'')

Ok... So you can probably tell... I'm not dead... I kind of wish I was though...

****************************** Flashback ******************************

Tris and I walked in silence to Erudite HQ.

As we walked through the archway, alarms were set off, and guards came running.

Max and some other guards detained Tris, and Eric appeared with guards who detained me.

When Eric saw me, he faltered, and took charge of guiding me.

"Why Cat? Why would you come...?" He murmured in my ear, anguished.

"I'm not important." I muttered back.

"But you are..." He sighed, sounding like he wanted to cry.

I ignored it, but he knew I'd heard him.

Tris and I were taken to see Jeanine, who seemed delighted to see us.

"Miss Eaton, Miss Prior. How good to see you. I had hoped it would be you two who came." She grinned like a bully who had just stolen a poor kids lunch money.

I growled at her.

"Now, now, Miss Eaton. That's quite unnecessary. You are with your boyfriend, after all." Jeanine laughed. "We will begin our tests on you both tomorrow."

"What tests?" Tris asked.

"You'll see. Tomorrow." Jeanine checked her papers. "Max, put Miss Prior in cell 361."

Max nodded, dragging Tris away, roughly.

"Eric, Miss Eaton is to be put in cell 362, and if you wish, I'll allow you to stay with her tonight, as you are to escort her to her tests tomorrow, anyway." Jeanine told him.

Eric nodded, before gently guiding me out of the room, and down to the cells.

When we got to the cells, Eric handed off his key device to Max, and led me inside my cell.

Max locked the door behind us, and I saw Tris watching through the glass of her door.

Eric and I sat down in the corner, on the floor, leaning against the wall.

"Why, baby? Why would you come here? Knowing that Jeanine is going to hurt you?" He murmurs, tearing up.

"She was threatening my friends and family, Eric." I explain gently.

"You care about people too much for your own good." Eric pulls me into his arms, tears running down his cheeks.

I leant my head against his shoulder.

After a while, we lay down, mirroring the position we had layed in after initiation.

"I missed you." I uttered softly, "I'm glad we're together again, despite the situation."

Eric sighs, tearfully.

"I really wish you hadn't have come... As much as I'm glad to see you again... She's going to hurt you!"

"Let her hurt me. It will be worth it for the safety of those I love."

"Our safety doesn't matter, baby. Yours does."

"Why, Eric? Why is my safety more important than the safety of the rest of you?"

"Because the Dauntless look up to you, and will obey you. Even Max listened to you!"

"Max listened. Past tense, Eric. Jeanine has her hooks in him too far now. Its over, Eric."

"No. Its not. I'm going to find a way to get you out of here before the tests."

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