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"AHHHHHHHH" I scream and hold on to Gerard for dear life. He just laughs at me and goes even faster. I'm proud of myself for surviving that trip. Though I feel incredibly dizzy. I stumble off the bike and almost fall on the floor, only to be caught by Gerard. "Holy shit. I feel dizzy."

"Haha don't worry, I'll keep you up until you're good" he chuckled a bit more and wraps his arm around my waist. I prop myself up on him and gain balance.

We go in and get a few looks. The aesthetic of the place was quite nice but also run down.

I look up at Gerard who is still holding me, he is making direct eye contact with someone sat in the corner, I couldn't make out who it was before Gerard pulled me away and we started walking in another direction "Gerard?" I say.

He looks down at me. "Hm?"

"Is everything okay?" I ask smiling.

"Everything is fine. Let's grab a seat." He leads me over to a deserted table. I take a chance to look around the room. There weren't many people there and a low chatter crept it's way around the room.

"So Gerard, tell me something I don't know about you." I flatten my skirt out and sit down.

"Well, you know I like music. But it's my passion. I have written a few songs and me and the boys were thinking of starting something up. You can come and listen too is anytime. Just crawl through my window." He chuckles and I laugh at his comment.

"I will make sure to do that!" I say smiling.

"What would you like to drink?" He shifts his chair closer too me.

"Oh uh, a diet coke?"

"Oh my god!" He exclaims, "I'm getting PTSD from earlier!" He he pretends to look distraught and I giggle a bit at how extra he is. "How's about we get you something alcoholic, I am interested to see how you'll act." Before I can answer, he stands up and walks towards the bar. "Stay here I'll be right back."

I just sigh as I watch him walk off. Suddenly, someone sits down next to me and places a warm, strong arm over me. I panicked a little because this is an unfamiliar place and ya know.

"Hey Waffles!" A familiar voice chuckles into my ear.

"CHRIST ON A CRACKER! Frankie I swear do god you gave me a heart attack!" I place a hand over my beating heart and sigh. "You never fail to make me jump." I shake my head and look up at him.

"Haha I'm sorry. You shouldn't be here alone, why are you here?" He asks leaning back into his seat. Putting his drink onto a table.

"Oh I came with Gerard, he's just ordering drinks now." I point over too the bar at Gerard talking to the bartender.

"Oh. Oh okay. How come Gerard?" He asks sounding a little quieter.

"Oh he didn't seem to like me at school so I started talking to him on the way back home and we got talking and found out we were neighbors. Haha so of course the only logical thing to do was create a bridge from our two rooms!"  Laugh a bit, recalling the strange turn of events that was this afternoon.

"Ah wow" he laughs a bit too, but it didn't seem right, "I guess I'll see you outside of school as well then, Gerard and I hang out a lot, maybe we could climb across the bridge and all hang out!"

I laugh a bit as well, "yeah that'd be good. Just maybe go across one at a time, I don't want any deaths thanks"

"I'll try my best not to die-"

Frank is cut off with a big bang on the table, making us both jump a little. "Oh hey Frank" Gerard says staring right at him.

"Hey Gerard!" Frank say cheerily staring right back at him.

Gerard Way x readerWhere stories live. Discover now