Chapter 1

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San knew he shouldn't go there, but he didn't care about it, he already went through this alley thousands of times and he actually knew the people there. There's no way something could happen to him.
But still, regardless of the fact that San was already a twenty, human, year-old university student his mother still told him not to go that way.
It was the fastest way home though, it was already dark when he left uni and just wanted to sleep right now, so he took the step and entered the dark alley.

Most of the people who were in the alley were already asleep but San still noticed that something was slightly different from the usual days.
"San! Good to see you again!", the voice of a man appeared behind him.
He turned around and looked in the old man's face.
"Hey" he smiled at the homeless man.
"Is something different? Something seems off" San asked the man.
"Yeah, there's this new one," the man said, pointing in a direction, where a young man was sitting against a wall. "I don't think he's gonna be here long though, he seems like a rich runaway kid, I guess he'll go home as soon as he's hungry or his clothes are too dirty" he then laughed.
San couldn't help but chuckle. The boy looked quite young, even younger than himself. The possibility was there that he would go back home.
"We'll see. I have to go now though, my mother will kill me if I'm too late for dinner" San then said and continued to walk down the ally to get back home.

"San! Come on, we're going over to Jeong's" his mother called as soon as she saw San in her sight.
San nodded and put his bag in his room and got changed and met with the rest of his family to go over to the others.

After they finished eating San decided to tell Yunho about what happened today.
Yunho told him to keep an eye on him on the following days, maybe he will return home sooner or later but if he didn't they should definitely look after him, especially when he really was only their age.
San agreed with him and then said goodbye to him and his family as he had to go back home, not only did he have homework but he also had to help his parents with the shrine before it's midnight.

The days went by and after about a week San planned on checking on the homeless on the alleyway, so he packed a bag with some food and a few bottles of water and was ready to head out when a phone ringing stopped him.
He just picked it up as only a few people had their number.
"Yeah?", he asked in the speaker and the only thing he could hear was Yunho's panicked voice.
"Sojung... She's gone" he mumbled, his voice on the edge of breaking.
"She's what?", San asked, not believing what he just heard.
"She's gone San, she's nowhere to be found, not in our house and also not at our shrine, no one saw her leave the property," the older said and San could hear the voices of his other family members call for the girl.
"I'll be going down to the city, I can look for her, do you want to come with me?", San asked the older and he could hear a sound of agreement and hung up.
Outside, he waited for the other to come down from his house and together they went to the city, looking at every possible place that Sojung could have gone to, but there was no sign of her.
Yunho began to tremble, "what if something happened to her?", he asked in a whisper, giving his best, not to let the tears out.
"She will be fine Yunho, we'll find her" San reassured him, but it didn't seem to really work.
They remained silent for a while, thinking where they could look.
Their silence was ended by a high pitched scream, which both of the boys recognised within seconds and they only looked at each other for a short second before running towards the source of the scream.
What San first didn't notice was that they were running to the alleyway he planned on going to anyway and he got a bad feeling.
He knew almost all of the people who lived there and knew they wouldn't hurt anyone, but he didn't know that one specific person.
If he dares to touch her, he's dead, San thought.
But the sight they came to was definitely different than what both of them expected.

Sojung was standing behind the new boy, almost hiding, her face drained in tears.
Across from there was a man who was quite a bit taller than the boy, looking down on him.
"Give me the girl, this is none of your business," the man said, pointing at Sojung.
"Don't you fucking dare," the boy said through gritted teeth, standing against the man.
The man took a step forward and San could see that he was holding a knife while the boy was without any weapon against him.
"Then it's your own fault if you don't feel like living anymore, you worthless piece of dirt" the man said, rushing towards the boy.
What no one expected was that he actually fought back, causing him to get stabbed in the shoulder, not like it's good but better than his heart or throat.
"Fucking bastard" the boy mumbled under his breath, looking at the knife stuck in his shoulder, "you'll pay for this," he said, something lighting up in his eyes before he went up to him and threw him down.
"I told you to leave her alone, didn't I? This is what you get if you do shit like that" he said, punching down on the man rather hard. After a few punches, you could hear something crack.
Only then reality seemed to come back to all the others again.
"Wooyoung! Stop it! It's enough!", Sojung yelled at the boy, but she didn't want to go any nearer to that brutal scene in front of her.
Yunho went over to his sister and hugged her tightly.
"What were you thinking? Why were you gone?", he asked her, but she couldn't answer, to fix on what just happened.
Meanwhile, San somehow managed to pull the boy down from the man he hit unconscious.
"Are you okay?", he asked the boy, Wooyoung was it, right?, and got a small nod as an answer.
"Can you stand up?", he then asked, concerned as he already lost quite some blood already.
"Yeah" he quietly said, seemingly not even caring about the fucking knife in his shoulder.
"Let's get you to a doctor," San said, helping him up but he quickly shook his head.
"It's okay" he mumbled, backing up from San, finally looking at his shoulder himself and mumbled something under his breath before grabbing it and pulling it out like it was nothing, letting the knife fall to the ground, leaving more blood to run down his shoulder.
Yunho, who was finally finished scolding his sister now also went up to the boy, but instead of asking him if he needed any help, he just took him by his wrist and made him follow him.
Sojung also followed his brother and San went after them after he brought his stuff away that he was intended to bring.
San caught up to them halfway up the hill, while he also did his best to let the trail of blood disappear.
By now Yunho was supporting Wooyoung while Sojung silently followed the two of them, staring at the ground. San also stayed silent and waited until they arrived at Yunho's house, where they were greeted in a mix of happiness, because Sojung was back, and shock, because of the state of the boy they brought with them.
Yunho did his best to explain to the family's medic who then took the boy and brought him to a room to care for his wounds and to let him rest.


Welcome to my new book~
I will not update this regularly except when I have enough chapters finished in advance, so maybe I'll update every other or 3 weeks on Fridays 💜

Let me know what you think about this so far. Every comment is appreciated ☺️

Phi 💜

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