Chapter 9

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When Wooyoung woke up again there was no stinging pain in his shoulder anymore. He knew he wasn't dead, there was no way he could've died from an injury made by a human with a human weapon, but what must have happened that the pain was gone?
Did they decide to get rid of him and it healed outside of their territory? No, his powers were still concealed by the ban.

"He's waking up," a female voice said next to him which he didn't know. Soon he heard footsteps and hushed voices Wooyoung couldn't understand, but at least he could recognise the voices by sound easily.

"Wooyoung!", the, by now, well-known voice of Sojung echoed through the hallway only seconds before the door was burst open.
The said boy opened his eyes, only enough to see the dark wooden ceiling, before turning his head to the side facing the girl.
"Oh my god, you're awake, I was so worried" she exclaimed, sitting down next to his bed.
"Yeah," he said, voice unexpectedly hoars. "How long...?" he then asked.
"About two days" Soobin, who appeared behind her, said.
Wooyoung nodded slightly. If he had been a normal human they probably wouldn't have told him, that it was only two days because there is no way a wound like that would heal in such a short time, so they must either know what he was or at least what he wasn't.


The day after Soobin and Moonbin closed the wound, Soobin made sure everything was ready at the shrine to contact the ancestors about Wooyoung, to find out what exactly he was but more importantly if he was a danger to the clan.

But the outcome was disappointing, to say the least.
The ancestors didn't say a word about Wooyoung, apparently, magical side. They said that it was a promise between all ancestors to keep his identity hidden until he reveals it himself. But what they did say is that when in doubt they should think about what he did for them already and what he might do for them in the future.

When Soobin came back from the shrine and reported to the leaders they weren't pleased but accepted it as it were the words of the ancestors. But they had to yet decide on what should happen to the boy as soon as he was conscious again. On the one hand, they didn't need to see any danger in him since the ancestors didn't precisely warn them about him but they also didn't trust him because they didn't know what exactly he was if not human.
Therefore they wanted to call a meeting for the clans near and talk about what they should do.


"Come on, you should eat something" Sojung insisted, sitting next to Wooyoung's bed.
"No, it's fine," he told her, trying to smile and convince her that he doesn't need any food.
"But you didn't eat at all the last two days! You're completely malnourished" she tried to argue.
"I think it's best to wait until I don't have any pain so I can walk around without the risk of fainting" he explained.
Sojung quickly knew that there was no use in arguing with him anymore, he would find another excuse for everything she would say so she just sighed and nodded. "But then be sure to eat properly! Not those tiny portions you ate last time" she said, holding out her pinky for a promise.
"I'll do my best" Wooyoung smiled and agreed on the promise, crossing his pinky with hers.

It only took about a day until Wooyoung was stable and fine again so Sojung dragged him along to the kitchen to get him something to eat even though the clan has already eaten before.
"I'll tell the maids to get a hot bath ready" Sojung told him after he finished eating.
"Ah, no. A shower would be totally fine" Wooyoung then quickly told her.
"Oh, yeah sure. I'll show you where the showers are and will get some new clothes for you" she then said, before taking him by the hand and walking him through the house once again.
When they arrived at the showers she quickly told her how exactly they worked before leaving him alone to get him some new clothes from another clan member, that should wear about the same size at him.

When Wooyoung was finally alone for the first time in a while he let himself fall against the closed door and took a deep breath.
There was no way he was getting out of here without telling them who he actually was and as soon as they would find out there would be two possibilities, either he'll die or they'll get in contact with his parents. Between those two he might as well die.
He took himself a few minutes to collect himself again before undressing himself and going under the shower. The cold water was nice against his heated up skin that was slowly falling down to its normal temperature again. He also took a look at his shoulders. It was actually completely closed and no blood was seeping out of it anymore like it did the last time he took a look at it. There was a small scar but considering how deep the wound was and that he couldn't heal it himself it was a pretty good result.

When he finished showering his temperature finally dropped down to its usual low so he took a towel that was laying at the side and dried himself.
"Wooyoung? Can I come in?", Sojung asked from the other side of the door.
Wooyoung wrapped the towel around his waist before going to the door and opening it a slight bit, only enough for her to look through and give him the stack of clothes she was holding.
"Here, I hope they fit you," she said before giving them to him.
"Thanks" he mumbled, taking the clothes and closing the door again to get dressed.


I have yet to decide on which day I'll upload chapters but have this for now 😂

I hope you liked it if so, feel free to leave comments and likes uwu

See y'all next week or smth
Phi 💜

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