Chapter 14

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The adults went to hold another meeting afterwards, this time without their kids so they left them in the training room.

Wooyoung sighed and leaned against the wall behind him, trying to ignore the tingling pain on his ribs where Hongjoong hit him rather hard.
He thought about using magic to heal himself but he would have to be alone for that and even then he didn't know if it would work under the ban without draining all his energy.

Beeding deep in thoughts and trying to think about what possibilities he (didn't really) had he didn't notice that Hongjoong came over, standing in front of him.

"Are you fine?", he asked, getting the attention of Wooyoung.
"Huh? Yeah... I'm just tired" the asked tried to excuse himself, standing up straight again
"I'm sorry for going so hard on you, but our parents probably wouldn't have approved if I didn't" Hongjoong then apologized. "But you did really well honestly" he added with a smile.
"Thanks, you too" Wooyoung replied, his eyes wandering down to the other's neck, looking at the necklace dangling there, the golden pendant reflecting the light.

Wooyoung should be wearing his as well, but he took it off and left it in his pants in the other room when he changed for the fight, knowing that it would most probably show. And he didn't want to run the risk to be found out when so many other people were around.
He still asked himself, if Soobin didn't realize what it was or ignored it, because if he saw it and knew what it was the situation would most probably not be this friendly.

Of course, Hongjoong noticed the other pretty much  staring at his necklace. And the way he was looking at it, showed him, that he knew what it meant, making him think about what Wooyoung could possibly be if he already knew about pendants.

But instead, he decided to talk about something else.
"You were rather good with the cane, even after I broke it. Are you used to fighting like this?", he asked the younger, taking his attention away from the necklace and to his face again instead.

"Yeah, my parents got me into traditional fighting when I was younger and I stuck with it," Wooyoung told him with a shrug. It wasn't a complete lie at least.

Hongjoong nodded as understanding, but something in his eyes flickered, yet he didn't say anything anymore.
"I think you should go visit Soobin another visit later, your nose is bleeding pretty harsh" he commented before going back to the others.

Wooyoung didn't even notice that his nose began to bleed in the first place and was slightly disgusting by the amount of dark blood on his hand when he wiped it under his nose. Maybe he did have to take the risk of using magic after all.
Soobin was probably attending the meeting and he honestly didn't want to bleed endlessly until then.

With a sigh he exited the hall, changing back into more mundane clothes and making his way back to the medic room. If Soobin was in the meeting that would be the only place Wooyoung could think of where he would hopefully be alone right now.

Luckily he managed to remember the way there now. For him, every corridor looked the same, but it would probably be the same if anyone would ever come to his family's residence.

When he entered the room, he closed the door behind him, looked if he really was alone before carefully placing his hand on the bridge of his nose.

There was a small, peachy glow around the area of the would before it completely stopped, leaving Wooyoung with no pain from the area.
He did notice the draining feeling though, coming from the fact that he used magic in a restricted area.
Yet he couldn't stop just now. His bleeding nose was probably the least worse injury he took from the fight.

With a sigh, he moved his hand from his nose to under his shirt and onto his ribs, repeating the process from before. This time it took a bit longer as the injury was bigger and more painful, therefore also draining more of his energy, but he made it through nonetheless.

The lack of energy quickly ran through his body, causing him to stumble a bit as he tried to take a step.
He could also feel the slight burning sensation on his side where the mark was getting a little bit darker.

With a few wobbly steps, he made it to the bed at the side of the room that he had been using for the last few days, sitting down in it, glad he even made it there without breaking down in the middle of the room.
He was sure, the second he would lie down he would most probably pass out, but that would be the fastest way for him to regain energy.


After way too long, I managed to get this chapter finished oof
I hope that now, after changing my writing media, I can upload more regularly :D

If you liked it, feel free to leave comments and likes uwu

See y'all next time, 

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