Chapter 4

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San and Yunho followed Sojung with enough space in between so that she couldn't scent them.
What neither of them expected was how Wooyoung reacted when Sojung met him and told him about the grounding.

"He seems quite down to earth" Yunho whispered to San, who only nodded in agreement.
There really was something more to the boy, San could feel it. He just couldn't tell what it was, he had to watch him over the next days until he will go away again. Maybe he's a threat to his and Yunho's family. But he did save Sojung...
"San, come on, we have to move" Yunho suddenly said, ripping San out of his thoughts.
They followed the two and decided to split up when Sojung brought Wooyoung to Soobin while she went to her room as her mother ordered her to.

The door of the medic room wasn't closed so it wasn't necessary for San to open it and just leaned against the wall next to the door and listen to what they were saying.
"Soobin, can you tell me something?", Wooyoung suddenly asked, now also getting San's attention
"Probably, what is it?", the other asked.
"How far away are we from Incheon?"
"You came here from Incheon?" Soobin asked the boy. He seemed to show some kind of agreement. "We're in Gwangju, it's almost the other side of the country" Soobin then continued.
If he really came all the way from Incheon, how long has he been living on the streets already? At his age? If he ran away from home why did he go so far? Did he really plan on not going back?
He heard Wooyoung chuckle. "Wow, I didn't expect to get that far," he said.
"As soon as you feel better we will provide you a ride back home" Soobin offered him.
"No need for that. I'm not planning on going there again, but thanks for the offer" Wooyoung replied.
"Is there anywhere particular that you would want to go?", the med then asked the boy.
"No, it'll be perfectly fine if someone would tell me the way back to the city" the boy explained.

After that the two of them stayed quiet for a while, Soobin was probably taking a look at Wooyoung's wound.
"May it be possible that you just close it with a few stitches? It could heal faster and wouldn't bleed as much" Wooyoung then asked the med.
"I don't think that's a good idea. We don't have the right equipment here to treat your wound like that. We would have to bring you to the hospital for that" Soobin explained. "I'll bandage it again and then you should take some rest. Dinner will be served in three hours"
After that Wooyoung mumbled something that San couldn't understand, even though he could hear way better than a normal human.
But since the conversation ended and Wooyoung would rest in Soobin's room there was no need for San anymore to stay and watch over him.
Instead, he decided that he would talk to Soobin later after dinner before going home. Maybe he already knew more about that boy.

He went to look for Yunho, guessing that he would still be with his sister so he just went to her room.
The boy was right and entered the room without even knocking as they probably sensed him by now anyway.
But the look on his friend's face told him that Sojung definitely wasn't up to any good so he just looked over to the girl that was sitting on her bed.
"I want to start training" she stated.
"Sojung, you know your mother..." San tried to argue.
"I don't care what mom says. Everybody was allowed into training but me. That's so unfair!", she whined.
"It's not 'unfair', Sojung. You're the second heir of this family and you are protected, so you don't need to know how to fight" Yunho tried to tell her.
"But it would be way easier if I could protect myself! I don't want to be followed by some kind of security guy all the time" the girl exclaimed.
Yunho sighed, he knew that his sister was stubborn and it was only expected that she would want to be trained as well, but no one expected it this early.
"I'll talk to mom and dad after dinner, okay? But don't be mad if they won't allow you. There's nothing more that I can do" Yunho then gave in. He stood up and left the room, San following him.

"I still don't get why your parents don't want her to fight," San told his friend while they were going to Yunho's room.
"It's actually pretty dumb, in my opinion at least. We've never had a lot of mentors and most of them train a whole group but on one hand, my father wants her to have one on one training and on the other hand most of the mentors are scared to train her because of this whole royalty stuff and they don't want to hurt her and whatnot" Yunho explained to him.
"And your father doesn't want to train her herself?" "No, he says he's too old, but he also wouldn't let me train her because he thinks I would go easy on her or something," he said, opening his room's door and entering.


Both of them decided to study until it was time for dinner.
They didn't exactly need human education, but it was a good thing to kill enough time. And the world changes a lot so with that they can always find out very much that is helpful every now and then.
Well, Yunho definitely had another reason why he went to university, but he'd always tell San that it was 'nothing he needed to care about'.
Hell yeah, he cared about it! That was literally the only secret they had so, of course, he wanted to know what was going on.

There was a knock on the door and Soobin peeked in. "Dinner is ready," he said before disappearing again. The two boys that were still in the room stood up and left the room as well, going to the dining hall where both of their families, as well as the rest of the Jeong clan, was.
When they entered the hall everyone was already there except Soobin. But there was another seat free. San looked over to his mother, who just simply smiled at him.
The two boys sat down at their rightful places, across from Sojung and the free place.
A few minutes of waiting until the door opened again. Soobin was standing there, Wooyoung was sort of hiding behind him, scanning the room and looking at Soobin, whispering something to him.
Whatever he said, Soobin denied and dragged him into the room.
He sat the boy down next to Sojung and across from San and then sat down at his own place.
Wooyoung didn't look up to anyone and just stared down on the table, visibly uncomfortable with the situation.


Here's the chap for Sunday cuz I won't be home then but on the Got7 concert~~

I hope y'all liked it uwu

See you next time, baiii

Phi 💜

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