Chapter 10

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When the meeting was called to the Jeong's house about six Clans came, including their heirs, even though most of them weren't really interested so they met in another room instead.

"So, who exactly is this guy our parents want to discuss over?", Seonghwa, the oldest of the friends and heir of the Raccoon-Clan asked the others.
"I don't even know, we kinda picked him up because he protected Sojung and got injured. And no one really knows what he even is" Yunho explained.
"How could you not know what he is?", another, Yeosang asked.
"I'd like to know that too. But the ancestors didn't tell anything about him and he doesn't seem like, where ever he comes from, he is an ally of some sort of us. There's no other explanation why his wounds didn't heal on its own" Yunho told them.
"I wanna see him" Jongho, the youngest of them then exclaimed, excited as always.
"But you won't. I don't even know where he is and it's possible that he'll get called to the meeting later on" Yunho declined.

"I bet your sister will know where he is" San commented with a laugh. He probably wasn't wrong with that since Sojung was the one who seems to know Wooyoung the longest and the best, and it's just her overly friendly nature that she'd take care of him, despite the age gap that definitely was there.
"Then let's go look for Sojung and ask her" Jongho once again exclaimed, already standing up to go look for the girl.
But just as if she waited to be called the young girl busted through the door. "Here you are! Why are you always hiding in some random room when our parents meet?", Sojung asked the boys who were sitting scattered around the room.
"Because meetings are boring" Yunho groaned "don't tell me you find them interesting"
"Not at all," the girl told her brother.
"But now that you're here, where's Wooyoung?", Jongho asked her.
"Grandma asked to see him so I told Soobin to take him to her" the girl explained with a sigh.

"Why didn't you bring him up there yourself?" Hongjoong asked her, curiously.
"Because I'm grounded" she whined, receiving confused looks from the others.
"I may have sneaked out once too often" she confessed with an embarrassed laugh.
"Kids these days" the oldest of them laughed, shaking his head.

"But enough of that. Why do you want to know where he is?", Sojung asked Jongho with a raised eyebrow.
"I just wanted to meet whoever is at fault for this whole situation," he told her with his innocent smile.
He then stood up and looked at his friend, "who's coming with me?", he asked with a grin.
"That's so mean! I can't come with you" the girl whined with a pout. "You can't all leave me here with our parents"
"Well, I'm not going. Knowing our parents he won't be kicked out that easily so I can meet him another time" Hongjoong shrugged and Seonghwa agreed on also staying.
Sojung was happy that at least the two eldest stayed with her while the others went to the hut on top of the hill.

"Do you have any idea why your grandma wanted to see him?", San asked his friend while walking up the small path.
"Not really" Yunho shrugged.

When the small group arrived at the old lady's hut it was undeniable how strong her aura was. Well, she already lived several centuries so it was to expect that she was a powerful woman.

"Hello kids, what can I do for you?", the elderly woman asked, not even turning around to the group.
"Hey, the others wanted to get to know Wooyoung and Sojung said that he's up here" Yunho explained. "And I'd also like to know why you wanted to see him" he then added.
"Ah, I just wanted to run some test since the ancestors didn't say anything about him," the woman said with a smile. "Come on in then".

The boys entered the small house and were led to the main room by the woman.
But what they saw when they entered the room was way too amusing to stay serious.
Wooyoung was laying on the ground, three of the clan's youngest sitting on top of him, playing with his hair, hands and the cords of the hoodie he was wearing.

The woman cleared her throat, getting the attention of all four people. "That's not how we treat our guests, is it, kids?", she said, crossing her arms.
The three kids quickly got off of Wooyoung and stood in a proper line before bowing down and apologising twice, once towards the woman, once towards the boy.
The said also stood up and quickly told the youngsters off not to apologise to him.
"Can I leave you alone with him for five minutes or will you mount him again?", she then asked the kids.
"We'll behave," the three said in union, an innocent smile painted on their faces.
"Just tell them off when they do something stupid", the woman then said towards Wooyoung who nodded reluctantly before watching them leave to another room.
Of course, Wooyoung wanted to know what they would be talking about, but he knew that it would be best just not to leave the spot he was at so he sat down again, leaning against the wall. He also wanted to know who the other boys were since all of them had a similar yet different aura. Are all of them Animagi? So how fast do other Clans know about him and how long will it take before his parents will find him?


"So, what tests did you do?", Yunho asked his grandmother.
"Nothing big, really. I just asked some really simple questions and found out, that he isn't a vampire and also not a fairy or elf" the woman said with a smile.
"How did you find that out?", Jongho wanted to know.
"Like I said, with some simple questions" she answered with a laugh, not really answering the question the boy asked.


Okay hai
I decided to upload this fic on Tuesday from now on uwu

Also,,, I'm not sure if I'll keep calling them 'clans' (gives me WaCa vibes tbh) but I think I'll stick with it by calling those who are in one area (all residents of a house(hold)) a 'clan' and the whole 'species' (e.g all Raccoons) a tribe or smth like that? I'm not really book smart about such terms so I'll have to go further down with that (or one of you is smart enough to explain it to me or I'll just stick with it lol)

I hope I explained it somehow okay? If not you can ask me again and I'll try to get a better explanation somehow gkdjd

Other than that, I hope y'all liked it, if so, feel free to leave comments and likes uwu

See y'all next week~
Phi 💜

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