Chapter 5

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Yunho's mother held a little speech like every time before they ate and both clans started to eat after she finished it.
Wooyoung still just sat there in silence, not looking at anyone but knowing that everyone was glancing at him every now and then.
For a while, Wooyoung didn't dare to lift his hands up from under the table where they were laying on his thighs.

"Wooyoung, you can eat, you know?", Sojung suddenly said next to him, making him jump.
"I... Uhm, I'm not hungry" he quietly said, looking up to her with an apologetic smile.
"You know that I don't believe you, right? There's no way you can't be hungry" she argued.
She was right, he was hungry, but Wooyoung felt bad for just intruding into their house and eating as nothing happened. And only because he lived on the street for quite a while now didn't mean that he didn't eat, he could still hunt if there was no other way to get food.
"Come on Wooyoung, at least a bit. With more energy your wound can heal better" the girl tried to encourage him.

He took a quick glance at the two women at the head of the table with another man, they could probably all hear what they were saying, that was probably the reason why they sat their kids here, so nothing would go unnoticed.
"I just can't eat anything right now. I think the whole situation is a bit too much for me" he then said.
He should eat, he knew that, but he also knew that it wouldn't really help him in the current situation. Maybe he could just starve himself until he passes out? Then he at least wouldn't feel the pain in his shoulder. Well, he would pass out due to bloodloss sooner or later as well so it was just a matter of time.
"Just eat a little bit, please Wooyoung" the girl begged, looking at him with puppy eyes.
Wooyoung knew that she wouldn't stop bugging him until he ate something, so he just sighed as a sign of giving up.
She smiled at him happily and put some food on his plate.
Still, Wooyoung didn't look at anything or anyone and ate as little as possible.


Yunho noticed how tense everyone was. It wasn't that unusual that people came to visit them because they got lost in the forest. But despite that, Wooyoung was different. He couldn't tell what exactly but there was something that made him think that he wasn't a normal human.
Humans normally had a certain smell to them, a smell Yunho knew well enough, but Wooyoung didn't have that smell. But he couldn't tell what else he was, he knew the Clans in the area and he wasn't one of them nor any of their kind from where else.

The dinner soon ended and most of the people stood up to go back to their work again.
While observing what Wooyoung was doing Yunho noticed that the first thing he did after dinner was to look where Soobin was, probably because he didn't know where he had to go to get back to his room.
Yunho looked at his parents and signalised them that he wanted to talk to them. His father nodded as an answer and stood up. Yunho stood up and followed him and his mother, leaving the others behind.

"What do you want to talk about?", his father asked, sitting down on his place.
"About Sojung... She won't stop bugging me about being taught how to fight" Yunho told them.
By the look on his parents' faces he knew that they weren't happy about it.
"I know what you think about it and Sojung knows it as well but I promised her that I would talk to you about it" the boy then added.
His mother sighed. "Why can't she be like every other girl? Wanting to draw and dance, why must it be fighting?", she asked, more herself than anyone in the room.
"She's still so young, maybe she'll change her mind" the woman then continued, even though she knew that that, what she said was a lie.
"If we could only find a responsible and qualified trainer it would make it at least a bit easier" Yunho's father then said, looking at his wife, whose eyes were filled with concern.
"I still don't think that it's a good idea. She's a princess, not a knight" she argued.
Yunho sighed, "I'll just tell her that it's a discussion or something," he said, already turning around to leave.
He knew that if he would tell her sister she would want to get the training even more.

He sighed as he opened the door of his sister's room once again, his eyes directly landing on the scribbles that were laying in front of her.
They were pictures explaining how to use elemental magic.
"What are you planning on doing?", he asked the girl, still standing in the door frame.
But she completely ignored his question. "What did they say? Did they say yes?", she asked, jumping over to Yunho and grabbing the ends od his sleeves.
"They said, even if they would allow you to train, there would no way they could find a qualified trainer," he said, getting out of her grip and crossing his arm in front of his chest.
After he said that out loud there was a shine in Sojung's eyes before she sprinted away through the door.
"Oh God, what's your plan?", he called after her, but she didn't answer so he was left with no other choice than to follow her to wherever she was heading.
He soon realized that she was running towards his parents' office.

She didn't even open the door completely before yelling out a name, completely out of breath, startling both of their parents as well as Soobin who was currently in the office as well, talking with the two of them.


Sorry for not updating on time, I was at the Noir concert yesterday so I didn't have any internet to post 😅

I hope you liked it nonetheless if you did, feel free to leave comments and liked uwu

See you next week~
Phi 💜

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