Chapter 12

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Soobin noticed how tense Sojung was, not only now, but over the whole day already, ever since the first other Clan arrived at the residence.
"What do you think they decide on?", the girl then asked him after they walked side by side in silence.
"I don't know, maybe they want him to do some tests regarding his ancestry and intention" Soobin dared to guess.

Ever since the surrounding clans made their contract after the last war there hasn't been anything like this so it was pretty natural for the leaders to react in such way. Especially since it would normally not be that complicated to find something about anyone, but they could neither sort his aura properly nor did the ancestors been of any help this time.
"I don't understand why they don't trust him already, he saved me by getting himself hurt and he was also ready to fight for the kids' sake" Sojung growled before taking a deep breath and opening the door.

Wooyoung was sitting on the floor, Jeongin sleeping in his arms while he himself was also dozing off.
"Wooyoung, could you come with us?", Soobin asked in a calm manner to not wake up the child.
The called boy opened his eyes and scanned the room before actually looking at Soobin and Sojung.
"Sure" he mumbled, carefully loosening the grip of the little kid and laying him in his rightful bed.
Wooyoung could tell from Soobin's voice and Sojung's body language that something was off, but he didn't ask and just followed the two.
With every step he made his whole body wanted to move less, the amount of different auras he could feel made all his alarms go off, especially as he knew almost none. But he just kept following them and tried not to be obvious about the panic that began to rise in him.
"You don't need to be afraid," Soobin told him when he saw how tense he was.
"I... I'm just nervous, that's all" he quickly excuses his behaviour and tried to calm down. But his panic instantly took over again when Soobin opened the door again and made him enter the rooms.
All eyes fell on him and everyone got silent the moment they saw him.

"Ah, Wooyoung! You're here, come and sit down with us" Mrs Jeong said in a friendly tone, so he did as asked and sat down with what seemed like the younger or second generation of all the adults together with Sojung.

"Now, that everyone is attending we can start the meeting. I want all of you to meet Wooyoung" Mrs Jeong then announced with a practised smile.
"Why don't you introduce yourself?", she then asked him.
"Uhm, My name is Jung Wooyoung, I am uhm, 19 and I'm from Incheon" he quickly introduced himself trying to sound as confident as possible with his statements. Only one of them was a lie but it was also the one which would have the biggest consequences if they found out.
"And did you get here?", one of the others asked, it was a slightly smaller and thinner woman, her hair was in an Ash-blonde colour and tied up in some kind of complicated knot.
Her aura was somehow comforting yet dominating and it was also similar to the boy with the mullet sitting near him so Wooyoung guessed that they were at least from the same clan, if not related to each other.
"I got into a fight in town and Yunho, San and Sojung brought me here so I could get my wounds treated," he told her.
"And why didn't you go to a hospital instead?", she then asked him with a raised eyebrow.
That really was a question he couldn't answer, sure, it wasn't his idea to even get treated as it would've healed by itself if he just stayed outside of any barriers but Yunho just dragged him up the mountain.

"It was my idea" Yunho then interrupted. "I thought it was only fair for us to treat him after he saved Sojung's life" he added the explanation. "Soobin is a great medic and he did the job just as good as any doctors in a hospital would have done" the boy continued.
"And it was also my fault that he got hurt so like this I could at least repay him a small bit" Sojung now also interrupted.
Everyone listened to what they had to say before eying Wooyoung once again.

Then again, all attention was turned back to the woman with the blonde hair when she spoke up again.
"Well, if I can assume you feel better now, may I ask if I could test your skills?", she asked, eying Wooyoung from top to bottom.
"Uhm, yeah, it's fine by me" he mumbled, a bit concerned in what she meant.
"Then I would like to ask you to have a training fight against my son" she announced, some kind of pride showing on her face, letting Wooyoung guess that it wouldn't be an easy fight.
"Yeah, I haven't seen Hongjoong fighting in a while, I want to see it too," another woman said with a polite smile on her face.
"Well, if everyone is okay with it, then we should go to the training grounds" Mrs Jeong announced and stood up, not even asking whether or not Hongjoong or Wooyoung was okay with it.
The others also stood up, following Mrs Jeong. Wooyoung stood up at last and walked at the end of the group, only to be soon accompanied by Soobin, giving him a cheering smile.


I'm posting this like 2secs before my class starts, so sorry if there are any mistakes gkdjdj

I hope you enjoyed it tho and I'll see y'all next week uwu

Phi 💜

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