Chapter 15

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Wooyoung was halfway back to consciousness when he heard voices close to him.

"My only guess is that he used magic. He couldn't heal by himself before so I don't think it would suddenly work when there were no bans or restrictions changed." From only the voice he could tell that it was Soobin talking but there was a second voice he didn't recognize.

"Hongjoong also mentioned that he seemed to know about the pendants... The possibilities are high that he's from a clan or tribe further north. You said he's probably from Incheon, right? maybe we could do some research on what kind of people are up there" the other guy suggested. 

"If he doesn't tell us himself that's probably the only way to find out what's going on" Soobin agreed with a sigh. 

Of course, Wooyoung knew that they were talking about him. And honestly? He was so damn afraid what would happen when they found about his identity. Maybe he should run off before they find out.
But then again he didn't know how far their territory stretched where they could track him back down. And since they seemed pretty close to the neighbouring clans he would be doomed from the start if he tried.

"Ah, I think he's waking up", Soobin noticed, steps coming closer to the bed Wooyoung was lying on.
"Wooyoung? How are you feeling?", the medic asked, his voice way softer than before when he was talking to the other person.
"Fine... I guess" Wooyoung answered, slowly opening his eyes. "The fight was just more exhausting than I thought it would be" he admitted. 
"I can imagine. Hongjoong in one hell of a fighter, I definitely wouldn't want to have to fight against him" Soobin said with a laugh.
"It's not like I really had another choice" Wooyung shrugged, sitting up in the bed, now also taking a look at the other person who Soobin was talking to earlier.

"Oh right, you don't know each other yet. Wooyoung, this is Moonbin, the medic from the Choi Clan, aka where San is from. He helped me get you back on your feet when you had the wound on your shoulder" Soobin quickly introduced to two to one another. 

The just greeted each other with a short nod before both their attentions were back on Soobin. 
"Well, when everything is fine here I should take my leave" Moonbin announced, bowing quickly before leaving the room. 

Wooyoung knew the possibility that his idea would work out wasn't very high, he still decided to try it.
"Mrs Jeong said that I was allowed to stay here until I was fine again, right? I'm pretty sure that I've brought a lot of trouble to you as well anyway so it's probably best if I leave soon, isn't it?", he asked towards Soobin who was currently sorting some stuff in one of his many cupboards.

Said boy turned around with an almost unnoticeable sigh, his expression already telling that it wouldn't work the way Wooyoung had wished it would.
"Originally, yes. But some things came in between and they want you to stay here for a bit longer if you're okay with that" the medic explained. And even though it sounded like they cared about Wooyoung's opinion on whether or not he wanted to stay, he knew that they would keep him here until they got what they wanted so he just nodded silently.

With nothing more to say, Wooyoung leaned against the headboard, letting his eyes wander through the room once again. Every time he did so he noticed something else that he didn't notice before.
This time he saw multiple little porcelain slabs with wolves drawn on them, their eyes glowing in various colours.

Wooyoung gulped looking at those, there wasn't much time left until they would also find out who or rather what he was. And he still couldn't imagine how they would react to it once they did, his only hope was that they would go easy on him because he saved Sojung, even though he couldn't use that excuse forever either.

Soobin seemed to notice that Wooyoung got nervous all of a sudden as he turned around with a cheering smile. "Don't worry, they aren't bad people. They just want everyone's safety" he reassured him, to which Wooyoung once again could only nod.
"But when you're staying here for longer we should make sure that you'll get a room for yourself. I bet you want some privacy as well after hanging around here for such a long time" the medic then said. 

"It's fine, don't go out of your way for something like that" Wooyoung quickly said, finally taking his eyes off of the paintings and back to Soobin.
"It's nothing big for me to do, really. We have plenty of rooms here anyway" the latter argued. 

Wooyoung once again just sighed, knowing there was no point in arguing with him as he'll lose anyway, no matter how uneasy he would feel about burdening them more than he already did.


after a long time, I'm back again with a new chapter :D

I hope you liked it, if so, feel free to leave comments and likes uwu

See y'all next time~
Phi 🎈

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