Chapter 13

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Soobin helped Wooyoung to change into the training-clothes so he wouldn't get the other lent clothes dirty.
"Is there any weapon you prefer to fight with?", the medic asked, making Wooyoung gulp. He didn't exactly think they'd fight with weapons.

Of course, he had preferences when it came to weapons, he used to train and fight at home too and he was a good fighter as well, but he didn't know if there was a chance of the weapons hurting him at touch due to spells. He couldn't heal on his own so it wouldn't be a big surprise if anything that enemies could use to harm the people here would shield itself.

"None" he then mumbled his answers, watching Soobin put on bandages on his forearm which had the same dark green colour as the rest of the uniform.
"Are you sure? They are only training-weapons made out of wood, so there is no way to greatly hurt each other" Soobin asked him, but he only shook his head.
"No, it'll be fine, I guess..." Wooyoung answered in a small voice after Soobin finished putting on the uniform.
"Well, if you change your mind mid-fight the weapons will be placed at the sides of the room for you to grab," he told him, now getting a nod back from Wooyoung.

"Okay then, let's get you to the training grounds" the medic announced, opening the door of the room they were in and leading the way.

There was something in the air making Wooyoung nervous, it wasn't exactly tense, but rather, dry when he entered the grounds like he suddenly entered a desert, which wasn't exactly beneficial for Wooyoung. But due to that, he could imagine that it would be a benefit for Hongjoong if he would go so far to use his element on Wooyoung.
Also looking at the smaller, he wasn't too sure if he maybe should use some kind of weapon after all. Hongjoong might be small but it doesn't mean that he won't kick Wooyoung's ass in several ways. And the cane that he seems to use as a weapon practically made up for the size.

"You'll be fine," Soobin told him once more before leaving him alone, going to the others.
"Ah, Wooyoung, you're ready, is there any weapon you'd like to choose?", Mrs Jeong then asked.
And honestly speaking, he did change his mind. He would at least use the same weapon as Hongjoong as it seems to be his go-to weapon with which he can most probably work best.
"If you're ready please go on your positions" Mrs Jeong then said which both of the males did once Wooyoung took a wooden cane for himself as well.


Wooyoung did expect the fight to be hard and exhausting, but he didn't expect Hongjoong to be so strong that he would break his cane right down the middle.
Personally, Wooyoung actually didn't mind too much as he could fight better if he used two-handed weapons, but he was for sure shocked that Hongjoong could do that so easily.

The two continued their fight nonetheless.
Wooyoung stayed defensive most of the time, not wanting to hurt the other even though it probably wouldn't be very severe for the other anyway.

"Come on Wooyoung, show me what you got," Hongjoong said in a mocking tone with a grin on his face, his eyes turned from brown to a light beige.
This was the point where Wooyoung couldn't turn back. Either he'll fight offensive or Hongjoong won't back off.
"Fine" the younger growled, taking a glance to the neck of the other, seeing the golden necklace with the pendant hanging on it.

Now that both of the boys were rather offensive and aggressive it was foreseeable that both of them would get hurt at one point. Not that it were any serious injuries, just some bruises and a bit of blood.

"Okay I think that's enough, thank you" Mrs Jeong announced, making the two boys halt in their movements, backing away from each other.

Soobin went over to Wooyoung, quickly checking on him, but he was so deep on his thoughts that he didn't realize it first.
The medic quickly cared for the small wounds before going to Hongjoong and doing the same, even though that wasn't necessary as Wooyoung could see how the smaller boy's wounds were closing by itself already.

The next to come over to Wooyoung was Sojung, seriously concerned about his well-being, even if she saw that Soobin already cared for him.
"It's so unfair, why do they think it's a good idea to let you fight again already. And then against Hongjoong of all people", she mumbled, looking at the bruise on Wooyoung's arm.
"Don't worry about it Sojung, they only try to make the right decision. And if this is their way to get there we have to accept that" he told her.
"But still, you're shoulder only healed and now you're hurt again..." the girl whined.
"It's nothing big. And Soobin does a great job with what he does" he reassured her.

"But now that my parents know that you can fight well, maybe they'll agree to my plan" she then smiled, making Wooyoung frown.
"What plan?", he asked, confused.
"Oh, uhm... nothing you should worry about" she quickly tried to excuse herself but the look on Wooyoung's face showed her that he wasn't convinced.


Hey y'all uwu

This is the last chapter that I had finished in advance so it's possible that I'll fail my schedule starting next week gkfjdj, and also, I'm currently writing my finals so I have to at least pretend to study for them-

Other than that, I hope you liked the chapter uwu

Stream I'm in trouble and Zombie 👀

See y'all next week~
Phi 💜

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