Chapter 2

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San stayed with Yunho and Sojung for a while.
Sojung tried to explain how she knew Wooyoung, even though her brother wasn't really happy to find out that she sneaked out to go to the city and also talk to him.
She's still quite young and didn't have any way to defend herself as San and Yunho had.
"Please don't tell our parents" she begged, looking at her brother with big eyes.
"And how am I supposed to explain to them that you were gone all of a sudden?", he asked her and she just shrugged.
"Tell them I was out with a friend or something?"
"You know that won't-" he begun but was interrupted by their med.
"I managed to bandage all of his wounds, he's conscious as well but doesn't say a word. He's stable though, it's probably just the shock coming back to him" he explained to the three of them.
"Thanks, Soobin," Yunho told him and got up from the ground.
"I'll go tell our parents. Your parents are probably here by now as well" he then continued, looking over to San.
"Yeah, I'll come with you" San stated, also getting up.
The two boys were about to leave the room when Sojung called out to them.
"Can you tell him... that I'm sorry?", she asked.
First, neither Yunho nor San knew what she meant until they came to the realisation that she meant Wooyoung.
"Sure, but I think you should talk to him personally," Yunho told his sister and she nodded silently.

But the two boys didn't even come too far before their mothers were already coming towards them.
"Where's the boy?", Yunho's mother asked her son.
"He's in the med's room. He got hurt in a fight" he explained.
His mother nodded and looked at San's mother before turning back to the boys. "Tell him to come and see us when he's feeling better. I want to have a proper look at him" the woman then stated and turned around to go down the hall again, followed by the younger woman.
Yunho sighed. "Let's go look after Wooyoung," he said, turning in the direction of the med's room.
When the two boys entered Wooyoung was sitting on the floor, staring into nothing, not even noticing the others.
"How are you?", San asked out of the blue, dragging the attention of Wooyoung on him.
"Fine I guess" he mumbled. Normally the eyes of someone would tell something about a person, but his just seemed matte and dull, nothing like they did earlier on the streets.
"So uhm, our parents want to talk to you when you feel better," Yunho said with a shy smile.
"I... I can go now, it's okay" Wooyoung reluctantly said and got up from the ground, trying his best not to show any signs of pain.
Yunho and San both didn't really like the fact that Wooyoung was rushing himself like that instead of waiting a bit until he was actually feeling better but neither of them said something and instead brought him to the room where their parents most probably were.
When they entered, Sojung was already with them, sitting at the side of the room while the family-heads were sitting on their rightful places.
Guessing from the look on Sojung's face she probably got scolded already.
"Ah, Wooyoung! Are you feeling better already?", San's mother exclaimed, noticeable happy about seeing the boy being okay.
Wooyoung just silently nodded and stood still between the two other boys.
"Sit down" Yunho's mother then ordered, definitely more strict than San's.
Wooyoung already made a few mental notes on how the different people were acting.
He obeyed to the order and sat down on the cushion in front of the elders, the two others accompanied Sojung at the side of the room.

"Now tell me, who are you and why are you here?", Yunho's mother asked.
"My name is Jung Wooyoung and I was brought here after I got wounded" the boy quickly said, nervous because of what might come.
He had taken a glance around the room and quickly realized where he probably was, making him even more nervous. But as long as they wouldn't come to the topic he shouldn't be in any danger.
"Do you know where exactly you are?", the woman then continued.
"Uhm, somewhere in the mountains behind the city...?", it was more like a question and Wooyoung did his best to not spill out anything that would let them know what he was.
Lying was bad, he knew that, but when they didn't ask him specifically and he wouldn't tell it by himself it isn't considered lying, right?
The woman was about to ask something again when she was interrupted by the other woman. "Don't be so strict on him Yujin. He's only a kid and he lost quite some blood" she told her, quiet enough so that a normal person wouldn't hear it.
Wooyoung pouted slightly when he heard those words. He had the appearance of a nineteen or maybe twenty-year-old human, at least he thought so, so he shouldn't be considered as a kid anymore. Did he really look that much younger than he actually was?
He quickly wiped the look from his face when the two women turned back to him, this time the look on the face of the older woman was way softer than before.
"Sorry," she said, smiling slightly. "I heard what you did for Sojung and I want to thank you for that. If it wasn't for you we wouldn't know how the situation might have ended" she said.
Wooyoung didn't exactly know how he should respond to that. On the one hand, he protected her because it was the right thing to do, but on the other hand, he noticed from where she was from and the possibility that someone would come to help her was quite high but still not quite assessable.
"As a thank, I would like to offer you to stay here until your wounds are properly healed and you can look after yourself on your way home again properly" the woman then added and Wooyoung nodded absently.
It's not like he would go home afterwards, he probably wouldn't have a lot of rights there anymore anyway.
"Thank you" he mumbled and bowed down in thankfulness and respect. Now he could only hope that the ban over this territory wouldn't stop the process of the healing or else he would have to find a way to leave the territory, even though he could imagine that he wouldn't be allowed to move around without being watched.

He stood up and left the room. He felt quite lost in an instant, he didn't keep track which way they went to get here and was alone now, so he just walked down the hall, turning left or right every now and then, inspecting the whole house.
Eventually, he arrived in a garden in the middle of the property where he sat down on a bench, looking down into the water of the small pond while feeling the burning look of yellow dog eyes watching him.


Aight, so here is the next chapter.
If you came here after my Minsung you probably know that I like to write fantasy and mystery, so here we go again lmao
I hope you liked it uwu
If so, feel free to leave comments and likes, they are always appreciated 💜

See you in the next chapter
Phi 💜

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