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     Arriving back to Ronan's makeshift home at Ruth's Bed and Breakfast, he had to smile at the organised chaos. it was so different to his usual hotel accommodation.

     The single-storey, country cottage was busily decorated with comfortable, bright-coloured furniture. Most of them covered with homemade embroidered cushions and antique knick-knacks that Ruth was obsessed with collecting. Although, best of all was her home-cooked food, that left his usual restaurant meals for dead.

     His large room, set back from the main living area, was freshly painted in cream, like the rest of the house. It, too, was taken over by embroidered throwovers and cushions on the lounge and bed. Ruth obviously loved her needlecraft.

     A small table and chair were placed in the corner against the wall.

     Ronan put his rental keys on the side-table before placing his fedora and coat on the bed beside him. Ruth knew who he was. She had been looking after his kind for at least the last 3 years. It was a welcoming change not having to pretend.

     What are you up to, Darion? How are you involved with Arraya Templeton?

     He'd been sent to her address to chase Darion down. As per usual, they hadn't given him much else to go on.

     Why the SSFC had specifically assigned Fred to this case, still baffled him. It didn't take a brilliant mind to see Fred was not on the take. His detective skills were basic, at that, and he seemed like a nice guy, so he didn't want him too involved in this crime, or getting hurt, just in case it turned sour.

     Anyway, he preferred to work alone.

     Sitting stretched out across the comfortable, king-size mattress, leaning against some of the pillows, he picked up the journal and studied it closer.

     Just who was Arraya Templeton and how did she get this book?

     Tracing the symbols, he tried to recall where he'd seen them before. But he came up empty.

     A quick glance at the book's contents in Arraya's study, and he knew it was not meant for anyone's eyes but his own.

     Ronan didn't know how it happened, but his name, a detailed drawing of his face and a lifetime of his memories were all written in this book.

     All under the guise of a fictional character.

     Of course, he was flattered. What guy wouldn't be? But he felt uncomfortable that his privacy was violated.

     Considering what was written, Ronan was at a loss, why he wasn't upset or angry in any way towards the writer. He just seemed to accept it.

     Which wasn't like him at all. And he couldn't explain why.

     He supposed he was comfortable in who he was.

     And if she had created him:  She did good.

     'MEDA, my girl, can you get me a complete ID on Arraya Templeton?'

     There was only one condition for any elite soldier to be accepted into the exclusive Sentient Special Forces Control, SSFC. That their body was able to bond with the GALSYR, the most highly intelligent living organisms that ever existed. They had to symbiotically coexist in a mutualistic partnership.

     There had only ever been thirty agents recorded in history to have successfully been appointed a position in SSFC. Now there were only fourteen agents, still standing.

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