I Do Understand

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     Conversation over breakfast had flowed like they were old friends. Arraya knew all about everyone Ronan spoke of. Although she soon learnt that even though she'd created SSFC, so many details had changed that she had trouble recognising them.

     Just like SSFC, the people were evolving as well, all by themselves, without her help. Proving that she was doing the right thing.

     Arraya just had to rewrite the ending, preventing her from interfering any further with their lives.

     Moving through to the study, even though Ronan had already explained why it was in such a mess, it was still a shock. Darion's housekeeping skills left a lot to be desired.

     She looked out the window, remembering the last time she had stood there, during the thunderstorm. It seemed so long ago. Ronan casually placed his arm around her shoulder and she naturally leaned in towards his body. His head resting on hers.

     Arraya's body tightened as an ache, deep within her, danced to a more sensual tune. The relaxed feeling of friendship between the two of them became charged. Their breathing softened. The tension in the air electrified, growing thick with anticipation.

     Ronan turned Arraya gently to face him.

     As their eyes caressed, filled with surpassing tenderness, she heard him catch his breath. A very feminine smile crossed her lips, knowing he was just as bewitched as she was.

     The temptation was strong. He was so close. It felt like she could easily be pulled into the depths of his crystalline eyes. They seemed to be peering into her soul.

     He was her weakness. She didn't know how to fight this desire. She wasn't even sure she wanted to.

     As he traced the curvature of her cheek, she turned into his hand and kissed the warm flesh.

     His eyes closed in response.

     Running his thumb over her sensitive lips, the coarseness of his skin sent shivers down her spine.

     Wandering his hands through her glorious hair, careful not to touch her wound, until they reached the nape of her neck. While watching her reaction, he slowly pulled her towards him until they were almost touching.

     Waiting for her to make the final choice.

     It was absolute agony to be so close. Feeling his warm breath on her lips. Her heightened senses screaming for her to kiss him. She allowed her head to lower her lips onto his. Her heart was racing. She had never felt so alive and in control of a kiss, before.

     A noise from the hallway, halted them

     "Sorry about that."

     The door to the study opened.

     "Hope I'm not interrupting." In walked Fred.

     Dressed as Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot, with his waxed moustache, slicked-back glossy hair, cheap silk suit and accompanying bowler hat.

     The couple sprang apart, looking surprised and irritated at being disrupted at such an intimate moment.

     "Arraya, I'd like you to meet Detective Fred or should I say Hercule Poirot, if I am correct?" Ronan sighed despondently.

      "You are, indeed, sir. 'When one is unique, one knows it'." Fred dropped the Poirot quote.

     "I just came around to see if you had returned. And you have." 

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