Losing It All

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     "What's going on here?" Carlos had recognised Darion straight away, by his prestigious suit, that could only be handmade by a tailor, who was a master craftsman. He prided himself in his fashion sense and almost cried, biting his lip, to see it sprawled out on the floor, like that.

     The amazing head of hair cascading down her back, also drew his dark brown eyes to Arraya. There was only one woman he knew who had such wild auburn hair. Not to mention eyes the colour of violet petunias. She was one of his favourite customers.

     "Arraya, my dear, good to see you! Although maybe in better circumstances."

     He could tell both Arraya and Darion had recognised his voice, when he called out from one of the office doors behind the trio. The thick Spanish accent probably gave it away.

     "Hello Carlos. We're sorry he's disrupted everything." Arraya apologised. "Carlos this is Ronan. He's from SSFC." Carlos eyes widened, at the mention of the special forces.

     Both men, with one look, had sized up each other, before shaking hands. The handshake was firm without any aggression. Having an air force background, Carlos had met enough military men in his lifetime to recognise the regimental status of a commanding officer, treating him with the respect he deserved.

     Ronan directed him to step away from the group, while he explained the situation. Although Carlos could see Ronan had positioned them, so he never took his eyes off Darion, who was sitting up now, conversing with Arraya.

     As soon as Ronan left to take Darion back to SSFC, Carlos turned his attention back to his female companion, noticing the Journal he had sold her, clenched tightly in her hands.

     It was hard to forget those fluidlike gold symbols on the cover. They were almost hypnotic. Even now he felt compelled to touch its smooth surface.

     He knew who SSFC was. Everyone in the artifact game did.

     "Arraya, have you noticed anything strange about the journal your carrying?"

     She pulled the book even closer. "What do you mean by strange?"

     Carlos could see she wasn't comfortable with the question as her eyes kept looking everywhere, but at him.

     "I own this antique shop, not just because I like to sell beautiful historical items from the past, I also deal with artifacts.

     However, not all artifacts are the same. You see there are certain objects that represent keys to the past. When activated, they unlock burial chambers to trapped spirits or anomalies who are only trying to find their way home.

     Unfortunately, some can become a little mischievous, if left to their own devices."

     He could tell she was listening, but her eyes remained glued to the ground.

     "I'll come right out and say it. Arraya, I know your book is an artifact." That got her attention, sending a worried look his way. "And this book, gives 'life to its words.' Have you noticed any strange occurrences since you've owned it?"

     He knows. What am I supposed to do?

     Ronan, where are you?

     Seeing her indecision, he thought he may as well tell it all. Maybe she could believe in him enough to talk to him then.

     "If I may?" He gently took the mirror from her, holding it up. With Arraya cautiously watching, he angled the reflective metal surfaces of each shape to capture the sunlight through the skylight above, storing the energy within its mathematical outline.

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