>H O W M A N Y T R Y S I T T O O K<

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its like how many times they had to ask you out before you said yes.

once: he was crying, what were you gonna do, say no.

three: you'd fooled around with him all the time and you were into him but you just weren't a relationship kinda person, you were afraid of getting hurt so you avoided getting into anything official for as long as you could.

like 478: it was a daily occurrence, he asked you out like hourly, you eventually said yes to one date because his persistence was annoying you, you planned to gross him out or something but you were more than unsuccessful, he actually managed to give you a great night and get you on more dates.

once: you'd liked him for a while, you just didn't feel the need to be with anyone at the time, you weren't agaisnt it, but not in any hurry, so when he actually asked you out you were perfectly ready to go out with him.

once: givin that you'd been totally into her since you met her at the concert, you were more than happy to be with her, you would've asked her out yourself, but she was with eric and even after she wasn't she was with casey, so at some point, you assumed she was straight and fooled around a bit more than you had been, not that you hadn't been at all.

seven: was a total bitch for a long time, a hot bitch, but a very annoying bitch as well. it wasn't until she took care of you after you got really really fucking waisted and puked out all of insides out some of which splashing on her shoes, ANDDDD and annoying level of persistence while you were trying to have a conversation that you finally agreed to a date, which you accidentally let turn into many.

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