>F I R S T F I G H T<

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not necessarily as a couple but like if it's not as a couple than it's to do with your relationship so like i'll just leave the chapter your first fight with hyde is in

also i've been having a lot of trouble generating ideas so if you could request things for me to write preferences about

finally, there's a little a/n at the bottom that isn't super important but like i'd appreciate it if you read it

you were majorly tired of him being a pushover and he didn't like your frustration:
    you stared at your boyfriend for a moment, you'd been going out for a month and though you wouldn't change anything about it the two of you had some vastly differing opinions on a number of things, but this one was blaring, something you knew of when you were friends but something you chose to ignore when getting into it with him. it hadn't come up until now but his approach was different this time, more subtle, more agreeable.
"why are you agreeing with me forman, i've known you since we were three and, never, NEVER, have we agreed on this," you said to the boy with just the slightest hint of aggression in your voice. he just shrugged in response, that set you off. "god eric, you're such a fucking pushover, i get it with red but i'm not red, and red isn't god, but why would you do it with me,"
    he stuttered for a moment before getting his words out completely, "what, WHAT, what are you even complaining about, i'm agreeing with you, why are you yelling at me for agreeing with you, what the fuck do you want from me,"
      "i want you to be a person, asshole, i'm your girlfriend not hitler, you can have your own opinions," you spat the words as if they were stabbing your tongue the longer you kept them in your mouth. he looked at you appalled a little and went silent, "do you really think so lowly of me that we can't even light-heartedly disagree anymore, because it that's what i knew i was signing up for when we got together i wouldn't have signed up in the first place," you stood up and walked out the door ignoring his mess of words and failed attempts to pull you back.

i've written about this before it's not a huge fight but like it's the first
>H O W Y O U G O T T O G E T H E R<

he wouldn't stop flirting with jackie and while it was to be expected you started to get jealous:
you walked into the basement feeling particularly over it today, all you wanted was to have a nice pleasant evening and maybe smoke a joint or two, you stumble in a little bit raising minor concern in your boyfriend for a moment before he returns to ogling and joking with jackie. this had been going on for weeks, each one getting a little worse, like he was testing the waters, usually you could brush it off but today, today you weren't in the mood. "hey uh, kelso, hun, can i talk to you." you weren't mad yet, but you didn't want to sit on his arm quietly as you helplessly watched him flirt with her.
     "well yeah, later," he said without even turning to look at you, his voice was casual and before you knew it the grip you had on his finger had fallen.
     "kelso, i would really appreciate if we could now actually," he glanced up at you like you were crazy when you said that.
     "y/n, i'm having a conversation here, what don't you get about that," you scoffed at his absolute lack of empathy.
     "a conversation, is that what you call it," you mumbled the words with a cold tone before turning on your heel and leaving the room as quickly as you came in. you stood outside the door for a few moments, pissed you let yourself get hurt by something so small, and even more pissed that it was of the fault of michael kelso, you heard the door open quickly you tried to get away but you tripped up the stairs a little being caught with a laugh by none other than the friend that had led you here in the first place, hyde, you looked at him, as much as you hated it, he could read you like a book. he returned to the basement to do something he didn't mention (he punched kelso like the good friend he is). you bitched about your boyfriend to the boy you felt like you hadn't really seen in months despite hanging out every day. it wasn't until later when kelso called that he realized he fucked up, there was no yelling, no screaming, you simply ignored him for a few days.
     he came days later to your house refusing to take no for an answer, then came the real fight, it ended with you leaving him in your room while you went to think things through elsewhere.

(this was really hard to generate so bare with me) you did not give him his daily kiss and mans was PETTYYY:
you entered the basement today a little distracted about a grade you'd gotten on a test, you missed your friends and you wanted to see them. you plopped down beside your boyfriend who, unbeknownst to you, was already leaning in for a brief yet fiery kiss like he did every other day, when you brushed him off with your friendly chit chat he was not only upset about the loneliness of his lips, but also the fact that your attention was on someone other than him. he got up walking out without another word, it perplexed you, but you thought nothing of it.
the next day you went back to the basement, repeating the same routine as the rest of your days, you sat down next to fez, but this time his arm didn't extend around your shoulders and his mouth would not meet yours, you tried to apologize but he was not having it. you had to generate other means of apology before he very quickly let it go ;).

i wrote about this already sort of in it's really tiny but it is the first
>H O W L O N G T H E Y L I K E D Y O U<

     she accused you of cheating on her at a family party you brought her to:
     you'd invited your girlfriend to go with you to your family's annual winter party not wanting to handle it alone. you were going as "best-friends" given that homophobia was far from uncommon, it was wisconsin in 1977 after all. she and your family were both more than happy to oblige your request.
     you'd been mingling for about an hour when you branched off from jackie to go to the bathroom, on your way back you bumped into your cousin you apologized but before you could find jackie he turned around and stopped you, the two you were inseparable as kids, you hadn't spoken in years and he was exited to catch up. as you discussed anything and everything you began to forget your initial intention of returning to your girlfriend as you followed him mindlessly to the couch deep in conversation.
jackie had finished dragging through a conversation with your bitchy aunt, she didn't want to be talking to your aunt no matter how pretty your aunt was for a woman at her age, she wanted to get back to you and she believed that you'd been in the bathroom for far too long. jackie walked intently around the house scanning every inch of every room for the sparkly piece of fabric you'd tied over your hair keeping it out of your face. she walked into the living room of the rather large house her eyes landing on you immediately, her pace and volume picked up greatly.
you heard the loud clicking of heels coming towards you each step getting louder and more deliberate, you recognized the tug on your ear immediately, "well, that's my que, it was nice talking" you kissed your cousins cheek before you were absolutely ripped you away from him. shocked that your ear was in tact you gripped her small wrist yanking it away from your ear. you took control of the situation dragging her by the wrist outside and around the corner to a playground you played in when you were little telling your mother you'd be back in a few.
     "what the fuck jackie!!" you released her arm as you arrived at the relatively secluded wood chips of the currently empty park.
"what the fuck JACKIE? i'm not the one who just CHEATED!" her voice started relatively nonchalant but she was screaming by the end of her sentence. your mouth opened a little feeling frustrated beyond belief.
     "cheated, yeah that's reasonable, HE'S MY FUCKING COUSIN JACKIE" you had the same pattern to your voice as she did hers only moments ago. "it's a family party jackie, i'm related to all of them, what are you stupid"
     "you kissed him y/n, what was i supposed to think," she yelled but not as loudly as she had before.
      "you're not supposed to think anything, it's my cousin, it was on the cheek, you know like family does, and even if none of that was the case what did you want, for me to openly make out with you in front of the entire fucking party, we're supposed to look like best friends. do you regularly make out with your best friends? because i certainly don't." your volume decreased as you rambled this time looking at her like she was out of her mind, because at least from your point of view, she was. "whatever jackie, honestly, i'll meet you back at the party," and with that you walked off hoping to find a good spot for a cigarette before you made your real return.

hey, im genuinely so sorry i have been gone for so long with the quarantine my motivation was just absolutely shot and for my mental health it hasn't felt right to push myself to do things that i just don't feel i have the capacity to do, that being said, i'm not going to say that i'm back and to expect consistency but i am going to say that i'm going to try to do that to the best of my abilities without straining myself.
i absolutely did not expect for this book to gain as much traction as it did, and i'm genuinely so greatful that anyone is reading and enjoying this, i really like making it and i'm glad i can give someone else something to pass time on that they enjoy. thank you <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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