>F I R S T D A T E<

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He took you to a nice dinner:
You finished getting ready with a coat of mascara, you glance in the full length mirror in the corner of your room, you weren't a fan of dressing up so it wasn't much, but you had a collared shirt, a pair of sort of clunky heels, but heels none the less, and a small chain across your neck, which was something. You hear a sudden knock on the door, you run downstairs quickly trying not to trip, you open the door blowing your hair out of your face seeing Eric in a collared shirt and a bow tie, "Kitty dressed me," he smiled awkwardly.
     "Cute," you smirked grabbing your keys and wallet from a table beside the door, jamming the wallet in your pocket and clipping the keys to your belt loop before closing the door behind you and following Eric to the vista cruiser, "you drove across the street," he nodded realizing that we could've walked to his place to drive.
      When the two of you got in the car you decided to throw caution to the wind, you payed yourself down on the seat resting your head on Forman's lap. He glanced down at you perplexed you smiled confidently causing him to shake his head a little and return his gaze to your driveway, starting the car. He began driving to an unknown destination, "So Forman, where're we going?" you asked casually.
     "It's a surprise," he said gaining a little confidence he'd been lacking since he showed up at your doorstep. You smiled and turned a little now facing his feet pushing the pedals operating the machine deciding you had no more clever remarks to throw in the ring.
     He parked the car and you sat up realizing you'd arrived. You looked out the windshield realizing you were entirely underdressed, you turned towards your date, "What the fuck Eric, I would've dressed up a little more!" the boy laughed a little in response.
"Relax, you look fine," you glanced up, considering his statement, you smiled a little and nodded, hopping out of the car. You followed the boy into the restaurant before a waiter took over, guiding the two of you to a relatively secluded booth built into the wall with a curtain on the edge for more privacy.
When the waiter returned you decide that you really only wanted breadsticks, you then watch as Eric orders a ravioli and a bottle of wine pulling out a rather impressive fake id when asked. The two of you spent the night getting tipsy and enjoying each other's presence, though you were consistently interrupted by your waiter notifying you of noise complaints, when the bottle was finished Eric laid a remarkable amount of cash on the table and the two of you stumbled out of your booth back to the cruiser.
He got you home safely, the two of you sharing a short but sweet kiss before parting ways at the end of the night.

He took you to a 24 hour diner to get milkshakes and fries before climbing the water tower to get high and watch the stars:
You slid a belt through your dark denim skirt, for fun, you adjusted the neckline on your flowery wrap shirt that had been tucked under the skirt, you smeared a little lipgloss against your lips, temporarily removing the lit cigarette from them. You opened your bedroom door to find Hyde already standing there without the sunglasses he regularly sported. You smirked as he had no snarky remarks as he usually would, he looked you up and down before proceeding, "you ready to go?" he asked not addressing the mild blush that had crawled onto his cheeks, you nodded before following the hippy out of your house.
You hopped on his back not wanting to pay attention to where you were going, he smiled and began the walk to a small 24 hour diner about three blocks away from your house. You threw the cigarette that had remained in you mouth since you'd left your room resting your head on Hyde's shoulder taking in the fresh air around you.
You felt the boy lower you, you placed you feet on the ground before he returned to his normal height, snaking an arm around your shoulder. You looked up at him smirking a little, "smooth," you said as he guided you inside to a small booth in the coroner of the room.
A middle aged lady appeared at the edge of the table and asked what you would like, you looked towards Hyde expecting him to know you well enough to order, he nodded before turning to her, "one chocolate milkshake and one strawberry, and two orders of fries," you smiled as did the lady before she nodded and left. "so, no glasses?" you questioned the boy. He nodded as the lady returned with your order. You stayed for about an hour laughing about nothing finding yourself getting lost in his eyes occasionally.
     When you left it was dark though he explained that the night wasn't over and the two of you walked to the water tower which already had a couple six packs and a large blanket awaiting you at the top, you smiled calling it cute as he rolled a joint, placing it between his lips, the night carried on, the two of you getting fucked up beyond belief and eventually making out a little before falling asleep together beneath the stars.

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