>H O W M A N Y D A T E S<

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like how many dates you two went on before becoming official.

One: He asked you to be his girlfriend when he pulls you out of the basement again the day after your first date, he was a little less awkward again.

Forty-nine: you were terrified of getting hurt so you tended to avoid real relationships, the two of you have been going out on consistent dates close to every week for almost a year now. You continued to deny your feelings for him until he told you that it was all or nothing.

It's blurry: it was never officially asked but it sorta just became a thing somewhere between the fifth date and the fifteenth.

None: he asked you to be official when he asked you out.

Three: you might as well have been official since that first night but you made her a real cute cute little letter to express it all and left it on her doorstep while you hid behind a bush.

Seven: you were really reluctant to admit any sort of feeling for her but she really made you feel sorta way, you were going on vacation for a week and she wanted to make sure you knew how much she cared about you before you left.

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