>F A V O R I T E T H I N G<

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it's their favorite physical or i guess auditory attribute on you cuz like i might include laugh or something who knows, not i.

Your smile: your smile was the one thing around him that never changed, though you changed, and he changed, and your friends changed, and the world around you changed, but your smile never changed. He found security in your smile, he fell in love with it when you were young and it never changed, so he never stopped loving it.

Your laugh (ahaha, called it): he noticed it when you first met, you giggled a little when introducing yourself. After getting high together as often as you did you had a lot to laugh at, he thought your laugh made the world lighter, because it was soft and happy and everything the world, to him, was not.

Your tits: who's shocked.

Your eyes: he could get lost in them, he liked how expressive they were, and the way they stood out when you put eyeshadow on them. He thought they were deep, like there was a whole new world to explore within them.

Your voice: she liked how soft it was, you were hardened and closed off, she thought your voice was sweet and soft and represented the way she saw you, instead of how you thought others saw you.

Your hair: she liked to play with it, and she liked how soft it was, she admired the lack of style it had, she liked how free you looked or rather how free you were, it made her think of all the things she might hope to be.

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