>Y O U R S O N G<

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Forman: (Don't Fear) The Reaper (Blue Öyster Cult)
Album - Agents of Fortune
Released - 1976
Reasoning - He thought you were the bravest person he'd ever met, he felt like he could face anything with you, he thought that the song embodied your fearlessness and you appreciated the irony of his lack of fearlessness in juxtaposition to the songs subject matter.

Hyde: Dazed and Confused (Led Zeppelin)
Album -  Led Zeppelin
Released - 1969
Reasoning - A stoner anthem by Zeppelin that manages to weave in sex and love, you met getting high in a janitor's closet and didn't get together because you were dismissive, I don't know what you expected.

Kelso: Cherry Bomb (The Runaways)
Album - The Runaways
Released - 1976
Reasoning - he thought it was hot, and you thought it was fun, it reminded him of your attitude towards him and everyone else so he played it around you until you associated it with him.

Fez:  New Kid In Town (Eagles)
Album - New Kid In Town
Released - 1976
Reasoning - You felt that, for the most part at least, it was like listening to a summary of your love story, and he agreed. you also thought that, especially in contrast to most of the music your gang listened to, was softer and slower, which made you think of him.

Donna: Cat Scratch Fever (Ted Nugent)
Album - Cat Scratch Fever
Released - 1977
Reasoning - Not only did it remind you of the night the two of you met after the show with a bunch of Ted Nugent groupies but it felt like a relatable-ass lesbian moment for you and she recognized that.

Jackie: Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen)
Album - A Night At The Opera
Released - 1975
Reasoning - She thinks it's hip and because of that but she also thinks it's a little moody and different and because of that it reminds her of you. You thought she was very pent up at the time and you liked the way the song channeled a less up tight part of her that others didn't get to see very often.

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