>B E S T I E S<

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your closest friend in the gang other than them, basically your closest friend in the gang whom you aren't fucking.

     donna: the three of you grew up together, she lived next door to eric who lived across the street from you.

     fez: you thought his aloofness was funny and he thought you were sweet and pretty but he most definitely was not going to fuck with the girl hyde had been after for like ever.

     hyde: hyde was the whole reason you met kelso, the two of you became friends when both of your moms abandoned you in the grocery store.

     jackie: when you first met her you weren't a big fan, but she was persistent, and you had respect for that, she thought you were mysterious, and like nancy drew, she had to solve that mystery.

     kelso: he thought you were hot, then you decided to tell him "i'd rather fall off the fucking water tower repeatedly until my brain is pulp than get a dick up my pussy," it took him about a day to get what you were saying but then you bonded over hot chicks.

     forman: you enjoyed forman's cowardice and he enjoyed your lack of it, the two of you evened each other out to an almost normal person.

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