>G E T T I N G O F F I C I A L<

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it's just like a follow up the last chapter that wasn't a special where it's the story of when you started being official

It was day after your first date when he pulled you out for a second time:
It started pretty similar to the day it all started, when he asked you out in the first place, with him entering the basement slightly nervous looking. He once again drags you upstairs to his kitchen table, presenting you let another beer, this time you hopped on to the counter, hoping to ease his nerves with your casual demeanor. Your attempts however, were unsuccessful, he began stuttering the way he had before, murmuring about steady and last night but it seemed more rush, despite that you got the memo, before he could start crying again you nodded and hopped down before returning to the basement with a wink.

     He gets back on his ultimatum bullshit:
      You shivered a little joking about everything on your mind with your curly headed burner friend as he walked you home from your third date this month. He felt your shiver beneath his arm he looks down at you smiling before lifting his arm to remove his jacket for you, wrapping the large coat around you, you thank him, smiling up at the tall boy. He stares at you for a second before he lets a few new words slip. "I love you," you hear, hoping you heard him wrong you ask him to repeat himself. "I said I fucking love you y/n," your mouth hung ajar a little bit.
     You shook your head looking back at him, "Hyde, I-, this wasn't supposed to happen, Hyde man you know I can't," he backs up a little from you, at this point neither of you are walking anymore, arguing in the streets.
     "You can't what y/n, we've been going out for a year now, why can't you just commit, because I can't keep doing this knowing that when my head is turned, you're out with some other guy!" His tone beginning very strong but becoming more gentle as he continued, almost sad. "It's all or nothing for me man," he said as he began to walk off, but you could hear his voice quivering. You let him walk for a second, not knowing what to say, you eventually turn towards where he had taken off, still able to see him probably half a block in the distance, you can see him running his hand through his curly hair.
      Without much thought you break into a sprint trying to catch up to the tall boy, when you eventually reach close behind him you reach out to grip his bare arm. He turns around  his sunglasses perched on his head, his eyes look glossy, like he was about to cry. you perched yourself on your tip-toes pulling his head down and his body close, you close the gap with a passionate kiss before breaking for just a second, "you got it all," you mumble against his chapped lips before you feel him smile into another sweet kiss.

     It was blurry:
     Nobody ever asked anyone anything, but at some point you just started to refer to each other as boyfriend and girlfriend and shit.

I already wrote this:
If you forget read >H O W Y O U G E T T O G E T H E R<

     You left her a note:
     You got up to Donna's doorstep, nervous, you quickly reread the note you intended for the girl, making sure there were no mistakes. You take a deep breath setting on her doorstep before ringing the bell and practically launching yourself into her bush. You look up, towards the girl watching her giggle as she reads the paper, based on her smile your hopes are high, you see her bring her hand down with the paper, she giggles before speaking, "get out of my bush you dork," you shyly emerge meeting her at her doorstep, you feel pressure against your arm, making you scared for her answer, "I was gonna ask you out, you stole my thunder," she giggled before lifting your chin up for your lips to meet hers.
The two of you parted, "is that a yes," she nodded and smiled.

She wanted to lock you down before you went on "vacation" literally like two miles away:
You finish packing your clothes and other things for your aunts place. Your parents were going on a real vacation, to the Bahamas, but they didn't want you with them, and they sure as hell didn't trust you alone with the house for a week, so you were spending a week a few miles out of town at your aunts house. You try to sit on the ratty suitcase containing your belongings in hopes that it would close, but after a few minutes you gave up hope, you slumped down with a sigh when you heard a rather demanding knock on your bedroom door, assuming it's your mother trying to hustle you out the door so they wouldn't miss their flight, "you have like six hours, you're fucking fine, I'm getting there!" you yell at the woman behind your door. She knocks again, you stand up with a huff and open the door, "what the fuck do you- oh shit, Jackie," you run your hand through your messy hair, "uhhhh, what's up," you say as she walks past you, you turn around to see she has managed to close your suitcase.
     "We're together, like officially, like exclusively, so don't cheat on me on your vacation, got it?" she asks sternly waiting for a nod.
     "For the last time man, it's not a va-," you look up seeing her eyebrow cocked at you threateningly, you huff in defeat, "got it."
     She smiled, "good," she gave you a brief kiss before skipping out your door.

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