>H O W Y O U G O T T O G E T H E R<

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it's like a  follow up to the last one, its like how they asked you out when you finally said yes.

     he pulled you aside one day when you and him were hanging with the gang:
     "hey y/n, can we um like talk," forman said, he seemed nervous, which was odd because red was no where in sight.
      "yeah, shoot," you replied with a smile choosing to ignore his awkward demeanor.
      "like alone, maybe," he mumbled scratching the back of his neck. you nodded standing up, he did the same, you followed him up the stairs confused by his urgency. the two of you arrived in the kitchen, he turned to the fridge and grabbed one of red's beers offering it to you, which only perplexed you more, usually he would try to avoid situations that might result in red's foot up his ass. he brought you over to the round table the formans ate their meals at. "o-o-okay, so b-b-basically, Ireallyreallylikeyouandlikewouldyouatleastgivemeachancebecauseimaybescrawnybutihavebeerandabasement." he took a sharp breath, he followed it with a chocked sob. the truth is you'd never thought of forman romantically, he wasn't ugly, and he was a genuinely cool person, and he was crying, so even if you wouldn't be caught dead on a date with him you couldn't say no.
     "sure forman, pick me up tomorrow at 8:00" he looked up and smiled wider than you thought was possible, you smirked and walked back downstairs.

     he didn't show up to your fourth period smoke sesh:
you heard the bell ring signaling the start of fourth period, you rolled a joint expecting hyde to stumble in as he had everyday for the past year. it'd been about a minute and though this was unusual for the boy, you assumed he had to take a piss or something.
about half the period had passed and your curly haired friend had failed to show. though this was would've been your usual a little over a year ago, before you'd met Hyde, it seemed almost boring sitting in a closet on your own now despite your current state of intoxication. you decided to look for him though you had no clue what class he had, in fact you didn't even know he did, but you knew he wouldn't have walked home. you wandered the halls glancing into each classroom until you found him, room 206, it seemed to be an english class. you opened the door quietly, you turned to hyde as you walked in, giving him a subtle glare, "excuse me ma'am, sorry to interrupt but could you please excuse steven hyde for a moment, yearbook" she sighs but nods before motioning to the hippie to come to the front. You scoff as he comes to the front with a smirk following behind you as you dragged him out thanking the teacher for excusing him before closing the door and turning to the boy. "what the fuck hyde, where were you, it's fourth period!" you yell as quietly as you could though judging my the teachers peaking through the small windows on their doors, you were pretty fucking loud.
"i was in class, we have school you know," he replied nonchalantly with a proud smile you wanted nothing more than to slap off him. you groan a little deciding that you want to lay on the floor before continuing your argument. he glances down before looking back up, giggling a little.
"you left me hanging man, i waited in there for like half an hour for you to come and you didn't, what the hell," you ask, speaking with your hands as you squirm a little on the floor letting your frustrations flow. he strokes his chin staring at the ceiling with a hum.
"huh, that's weird, it's sorta like how we screw around all the time but when I suggest like maybe a date you, 'leave me hanging,'" he says emphasizing the last part for comparison. i prop myself on my elbows to look up at him mouth slightly ajar; he stares back down at me with an almost cold look.
"are you fucking serious, that's what this is about, i won't date you, so you're holding out on me," you scoff loudly, kicking his ankle lightly.
"yeah, that's about right," he states still looking down at me.
"whatever man, lets go," i say standing up and grabbing him by the wrist. to my surprise, he shakes his wrist out just standing there, i turn around with a 'what the fuck' look to see that he's already sporting an 'i'm serious' look. "fine, one date, we're not official, no titles, just a date, just one, can we go now?" he didn't reply, but instead smiled and offered his wrist for me to drag.

     he called you when you were trying to fall asleep:
you were tired, and all you really wanted to do was go home and take a sleep, you stood up from the couch announcing your situation and demanding that someone walked you home. kelso jumped at the opportunity, you looked at hyde and donna pleadingly but instead of helping they just laughed a little. you groaned loudly jumping on Kelso's back deciding to make due with what you had. "away horsey away" you said like a child playing with horse dolls. to your surprise Kelso was running you home like the weight on his back didn't exist. you were down the block at your house in a couple minutes. you jumped down from the tall boy's back giving him a high five for his superior piggyback abilities. "so y/n, pick you up at 8:00 tomorrow?" you giggled at his efforts.
"so kelso, don't" you said dryly walking into your house, giving him a small smile before you disappeared behind your wooden front door.
you went to your room, falling onto your bed with a sigh, as you were just about to fall asleep you heard the phone placed because your bed ringing very loudly. you picked it up, annoyed.
"so y/n, I was thinking, you me, tomorrow night, let's go out," you immediately recognized the voice.
"yeah sure whatever, get me at 8:00," said tired and annoyed, and also likely a little delirious knowing that if you didn't give in he might try to call again.

     he was trying to be all smooth in forman's basement:
     the whole gang was sitting in forman's basement bored with nothing to do. you were seated next to fez, who you'd been into for a while though you didn't really feel like you needed a relationship at the moment; you weren't against one, it just wasn't necessary. the group had been close to silent for what seemed like forever, though it'd only been about a minute. you could feel fez shift a little next to you before you heard him speak, "so, uh y/n, do you uh, are you, want to uh, I like you to be girlfriend my," he finally managed to spit out, accent thick and words jumbled, he smiled cockily at you before you looked towards him. you stretched your upper body to give him a short peck, causing him to blush.
      you followed the kiss with a smile before replying, "i'd love to fez"

     she walked in on you pinned to the wall by some tall blonde:
     you felt your body slam against the living room wall, you tilted your head back feeling secure in the idea the nobody would interrupt your moment with whoever was currently sucking your collar bone. you couldn't remember her name, but she was hot and she didn't have to know that. you felt her lift your legs, wrapping them around her waist as you reached you hands beneath her shirt, unhooking her bra. you thought you heard a knock on the door but dismissed it assuming it was your imagination or the wind. you let out a small moan as the front door opened.
     you felt the girl get pulled off you as you returned your feet to the floor, you looked up to see your best friend, who you'd been in love with since you met about a year ago at a concert, "WHAT THE FUCK DONNA, WE WERN'T DO-," but you were cut off by her lips smashing into yours, you kissed motioning off your bimbo so donna could finish what she couldn't.

she refused to get off you until you agreed to go on a date with her:
the gang was chilling in the basement, you were joking with hyde about forman's most recent invention to embarrass himself when you felt a weight on your lap. you glanced at jackie before turning back to hyde, "excuse me a sec," you started before refocusing your vision on jackie, "get the fuck off me," you could hear the group chuckle, but jackie remained.
"not until you agree to go on a date with me," she said confidently, you scoffed in response before pushing her to the floor, the group once again chuckled. she, however, got right back up and hopped on your lap again, pushing her weight in her toes to deter me from pushing her off again.
"fine, if I say yes will you get the fuck off me," she looks at the ceiling like she's thinking before nodding knowing you wouldn't agree if she didn't. "pick me up tomorrow at six," you sort of mumble before she smiled widely, hopping off my lap and kissing your cheek. you rub my cheek in disgust and prepare yourself.

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