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Stephen's POV: 


I pushed my way through the crowd of people that surrounded the body. Someone had commit suicide and Wong sent me over to go check it out. But there were so many people to push away, I even had to start getting magic involved to get my way around. 

The blood began to seep out, as it trickled down the road and I stomped in it. Then pieces of  metal began to scatter the area, and that's when I began to question "who exactly fell here?"

My mind raced to many different people, famous people, that maybe were having a rough time, I mean being a celebrity is tough. I thought of people but none of them matched up to this, except for one. 


I used my force to shove people away not even caring if I was being rude, I needed to see the face of the person. 

My eyes then locked on the bloody body laying before me.

My heart dropped. 

He was there, lying in a blood bath with his blood. His head all bashed up and destroyed, and his body lying there helplessly and motionlessly. 

I couldn't help but let out a little whimper as the police began to investigate the body. But, the metal pieces everywhere it didn't make any sense. I used my skills of deductions and picked up one of the big chunks of metal on the ground, the colors so familiar, then I hesitantly glanced down at Tony where he had blocks of the same metal around him. 

His suit tried to save him. 

My eyes were glossy as shook in fear. I wanted to go back in time and make sure none of this ever happened. Why does it always have to end like this. 

I hesitantly scurried over to Tony's body again and shakily placed my hand against his wrist. Hoping, praying for some part of him to still be with me. 

Then it hit me.

"A PULSE!!! HE'S GOT A PULSE!!!!" I hollered at the top of my lungs grabbing everyones attention. In a hurry the police grabbed a phone and began to call the ambulance, but since I was indeed a neurosurgeon I knew Tony wasn't going to last another five minutes unless he got extreme medical help. 

So I grabbed a hold of him bride style and began to carry him into a portal which led to a hospital, but the police were questioning. 

"HEY! You can't be taking police property like that!" One grabbed my arm in attempt to pull me back, I fought in anger. 

"HE ISN'T YOUR PROPERTY YOU SHIT HEAD, HE'S MY HUSBAND AND IF YOU WANT HIM TO STAY ALIVE THEN LET ME TAKE HIM!!!!" Not even realizing what I said I dashed back into the portal before anyone else could grab me. 

"I'm sorry sir but you're going to have to wait your turn in line with everyone else" a nurse held her hands up trying to push me back with the others. I forced my way through her knowing that if I wanted Tony alive I didn't have time to kindly explain to her that we are in deep shit right now and if I don't get emergency medical care immediately, I would be attending a funeral. 

She hurried after me but couldn't catch up, then I ran into a medical room and carefully placed Tony down on the bed. I yanked open the door and shrieked the highest I've ever had. 


Without hesitation a doctor headed for our room and looked at me like I was supposed to explain something. I pointed to Tony and the doctors eyes widened with shock. He got five more doctors in with him and they began to work on Tony. 

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