demon of Deceit

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Today I finally confronted my high school friend. He'd been pretending to be a millionaire for the last 10 years when in fact he was nothing more than a con artist. He would deceive all these beautiful woman who actually fell in love with him to give him all their money with nothing more than false promises in return that he'd take care of them. I witnessed this first-hand on more than several occasions. They always come crying back to me as I always treated them with respect and never deceive them I do my best to help them find new jobs and help them heal. But I couldn't stand what this boy was doing them. He recently deceived two women one was sweet and innocent who just believe she found someone who truly saw her for her shortly after that about a week's time to be exact he started screwing another girl. Once again I'll do my best to help this poor girl to rebuild her life, but I confronted him saying it's not right to shout of these girls worlds and more of a heinous crime shatter their hearts. I confronted him alone of course 20 minutes later he had all his stuff packed and left with his newest victim she was still blind to his lies I felt bad for her but was kind to her she said her goodbyes. He had been staying at my house with her for the last two weeks and me and this girl had become friends knowing he was going to break her heart was too much for my psyche to bear. I started acting irrationally the last few days I noticed my psyche was slipping I quickly confronted him on the matter in the end it was a good thing because he left, but I do still worried about his latest victim I do pray she'll be all right I originally caught on to his schemes a little while before his first victim came to me. I noticed he acted strangely for instance he would call his insurance company and report to be out of gas every time the tank hit half a tank after 5 times they said he'd have to pay and he just hung up the phone this struck me as strange?! He then convinced the girl he was formerly with to pay for the gas this intrigued me a lifetime of Public Safety work told me something was wrong here so I began testing him and kept track of the money he took from people and how much he spent! He would convince them to hand over their paychecks then spend very little that on them. Such as spending $20 at a fast food place he put you in a little bit of his money every now and then on big-ticket items so they didn't seem suspicious, like buying an Apple Watch that he played a return to recoup his money then he would do crazy things like watch the stocks even though the few times I've engaged him in conversation about him it was evident that he had no idea what the f*** he was talking about. They need make 527 test drives at dealerships a week even though he never bought anything you just got wire transfer numbers to impress his latest victim and then he would never call them back. It was about this time that I decided to test my theory I spent little of my money and convinced him that I had gone broke. One day when we were out for a test drive when we were through with it I said let's grab some food I'm starving I handed him $7 and intentionally ordered a $9 meal. I knew he had already scammed his latest victim so she was broke when he realized we didn't have enough money he started panicking! Scouring the car for all the loose coins I had intentionally left in Plainview and we paid for the meal I then knew he was breaking this poor girls hot for just sex and his own selfish gain like I said I truly despicable creature

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