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It'd be safe to say every single one student dreaded the first day of school at least once in their lives. This day has finally come for Choi Jongho. For every other teen summer is the time for partying and hanging out with friends. For him it has been completely different. Wooyoung, who was literally Jongho's only friend, left for college and sadly, leaving him was necessary too. They were supposed to go to college together but Wooyoung didn't get in, causing him to leave everything behind in order to get an education. Jongho couldn't say he didn't understand - he did but it was still hard to get used to.

That didn't necessarily mean Jongho spent his summer being unproductive. During the last week of school he randomly thought of starting a YouTube channel. Since Wooyoung left, he needed something to do and socializing wasn't on his list of things to do so he decided to at least try. After about a week and a half of planning, Jongho settled for a music channel where he would post covers of his favorite songs and maybe even some original works in the future if he finally finished a song once in his life. Jongho didn't really know what he was doing but he posted his first cover and while it didn't get that many views, it didn't bother him too much, especially after he started noticing gradual improvement with every video that he posted. He also realized he might've found a true passion and a creative outlet he needed for a long time.

Now, with a whole 20 thousands subscribes and a slight chance some people from his school found his channel, Jongho was preparing for the first day back in hell. It's definitely way more stressful than it has ever been before. He was trying not to think about it all too much though.

It was currently 7:40am and Jongho was running downstairs as he had to get to school by 8am but he overslept. Again. However, this time it was the first day of his senior year and he really couldn't be late.

Jongho quickly grabbed his lunch he prepared the night before, put on his shoes and jacket and literally ran out the door.


When Jongho arrived at school, the opening assembly was just starting, meaning he wasn't that terribly late. The boy found a spot and listened to the opening speeches, though he really wasn't that interested in them. He did notice some people pointing at him and whispering but tried to pretend he didn't care.

After the assembly we went to meet with our tutor. Jongho had to admit she was ok and he really didn't mind her but his class was something else. He heard people whispering about him once again, but he figured out he'd just have to get used to it. The thing Jongho wanted to see the most was his new locker since it always took a lot of time for him to remember where it is. And so, after the meeting Jongho went to look for it. He got lost twice, despite going to this school for a few years already. He still found the locker though, it just took a bit longer than he'd like it too.

When Jongho was opening his locker to put some of his books inside it, he noticed a small paper that was taped to the door. Jongho pulled it off and unfolded it, slowly reading the words "kang yeosang" written in a really fancy font. That honestly just left him confused. Why would some random person leave their name in their locker? Though Jongho didn't understand anything, something told him to just put the note in his bag and keep it there, deciding he'll figure out who exactly Kang Yeosang is after he comes back from school.

Author's Note

Edit (191217)

Hi again! It's the future me editing this book and I may've deleted the author's note because it was irrelevant lmao. Hope you like the edit though and have fun reading!

locker | jongsangWhere stories live. Discover now