6 [e]

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It was now a few days later and only now Yeosang managed to unlock his phone. He was simply scared to do it earlier, despite many tries. Wooyoung called more than a thousand times, only for Yeosang to decline every single one of his calls. The thing was, Wooyoung knew he had his bad days, and a certain someone else didn't. That certain someone was of course, Jongho, who Yeosang felt bad for ignoring. He wanted to just take his phone and talk to the younger but I knew that do so he'd have to open Twitter and he just wasn't ready to do so yet. Yeosang was so paranoid of seeing the things people thought about his recent video that he forgot he added Jongho on FaceTime and also had his iMessage. 

When Yeosang actually got to picking up his phone and opening Twitter, he was attacked with a million messages from Jongho, which he read multiple times. It was difficult to stop tears that he shed way too quickly to his liking. Jongho was just being so sweet in his texts, trying to understand why he wasn't getting a reply. He also made sure to say Yeosang shouldn't  care about anyone who may have negative things to say about their collab because at the end of the day it didn't matter. This caused Yeosang to send him one of the stupidest things he could send anyone after "ignoring" them for that long.

kgyeo: jongho

Can I have your #? 


Yeosang wouldn't be surprised if he declined. It was a weird thing to ask, especially given the timing. Only now Yeosang realized that he had Jongho's FaceTime but he never really had the courage to call him again after the first time they talked. 

choi_jongho: omg you're here
And sure ***-***-***

Yeosang immediately texted the number Jongho gave him, typing it so fast without even considering that he could accidentally be texting someone else.

yeosang: hey it's yeo

unknown: hiiii
You have texted the right number haha

Yeosang smiled and immediately changed the contact name to "Jongho 💕", giggling quietly afterwards. 

yeosang: can I call you
On FaceTime or something
I need to talk

Jongho 💕: alriiightt
Call me when you're ready

Yeosang immediately called the younger and he picked up in no time. At first the older didn't turn on the camera because he thought he looked quite terrible so he just waited for Jongho to turn his camera on. When he did so, he showed Yeosang the biggest smile he possibly could, a smile the older couldn't expect from anyone. Wooyoung was capable of smiling like that before he met San, later he seemed to have lost the ability. 

Yeosang unintentionally covered his face with his hoodie's sleeves, even though he knew Jongho couldn't see him. 

"Aw c'mon, Sangie. I wanna see you."

Yeosang lowered his hands and looked at Jongho, who was still showing him that stupid smile. Though being completely honest, it was that smile that made the older's hand suddenly touch  the screen of his phone and click the button that turned on the camera.

Silence filled the air for the first few couple of seconds. Yeosang knew that Jongho has seen him many times before but he still seemed shocked. His mouth was slightly open but he still had those signature stars in his eyes. Then out of the sudden, he just looked to the side, and that's when Yeosang decided to turn this moment of awkwardness into a conversation. 

"Hi Jongho" Yeosang said with the most genuine smile he could allow myself to show the younger.

The boy was extremely happy when the younger smiled shyly and then slowly shifted his gaze towards him. 

"Hi... I actually kind of can't believe you are real, even though we talked on here once." Jongho seemed to be really nervous which seemed odd to Yeosang because he was always so confident in his videos, with his confidence being noticeable even in his covers. The way he got into the song never failed to mesmerize Yeosang. Nonetheless, seeing this side of Jongho was quite a weird experience for the older. 

"You don't have to be nervous, y'know? I'm just a normal person." Yeosang laughed quietly, hoping it would help the other to calm down.

Jongho let out a quiet sigh and shook his head, probably to get himself together. When he finally managed to do so, he immediately started asking Yeosang how he felt. The entire time the older was just wondering if he should answer honestly or tell a more comfortable lie. He wasn't fine wasn't fine, he knew that much, and he wanted to tell Jongho that. However, he couldn't determine whether he could trust the younger to that extent yet. Yeosang knew that if he started talking about what has been going on for the past few days and all the panic attacks he went through, he'd break down again and he didn't want Jongho to see him like that. He was scared the younger would tell everyone about his illness and that everyone would hate him, just like they did in middle school. Nevertheless, Jongho didn't seem like someone who could betray anyone in that way. 

Regardless of the past, Yeosang knew he needed to answer somehow because dodging the question would only make matters worse, which was why he just decided to improvise and not think of the consequences. 

"You know, I am completely aware that if I said I was ok it would sound fake so I'm just going to tell you the truth." Yeosang said and took a deep breath to prepare himself for what he was about to say. "I was just so paranoid of checking my phone for the past few days because I knew I would see some kind of comment about our collab and I really didn't want that. I'm just simply scared of negative comments." Only when he voiced this he realized that he was admitting it more to myself than to the younger. 

Jongho let the other get it all out of my system and only spoke to reassure him that it was totally fine and that he wasn't being a bother. It was difficult to understand for the both of them that they could just depend on each other, even though their friendship hasn't lasted that long.

"I know I just made a big deal out of it but... Have you seen the comments? Are they positive or...?" Yeosang asked since he really couldn't resist anymore. Curiosity was eating him out from the inside but for some reason it came with a lot of unnecessary anxiety, which he couldn't deal with. He just preferred to hear the public's opinion from Jongho, who he assumed would filter the worst comments so they wouldn't hurt either of them that much.

The younger looked somewhere to the side, biting his lip in thought. Yeosang guessed that this was his filtering time, which he used to decide what he should mention and what he should keep under wraps.

"It's... Very mixed" Jongho began slowly, as if he was carefully thinking about every word that he voiced. "Some people are loving it, saying they never imagined us singing this together but it ended up perfect while some people... Well..." He suddenly stopped, took a little pause and then quickly said the next part, somewhat hoping that Yeosang wouldn't understand but also wouldn't ask him to repeat. "Some people think we're dating."

Everything went quiet, with Jongho avoiding the other's gaze as if it was a fire. He didn't know why Yeosang was quiet though. The truth was that the older boy had just realized what this dating rumor could mean for him if it became a big thing.

He had promised to date the person who'd find his autograph in their locker. Jongho was the person who found it and now they worked together on a song that a lot of people could consider a weird choice for people who aren't romantically involved, especially seeing how emotional Jongho was during the whole thing.

All of this started quite a difficult situation which they would have to get out of later, though it seemed impossible at first. 


The funniest thing happened recently. I put the link to this in a reply on twitter and the person who saw it happened to be the person who commented on the last chapter 😂 I stan you now.

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