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1 year later

Jongho walked into into his new apartment, immediately smelling some kind of food being cooked. He kicked off his shoes and went into the living room where he'd have a good look at the kitchen, without bothering to take off his jacket.

Suddenly he saw Yeosang, speed walking towards him with a big smile on his face. They exchanged a quick kiss after which Yeosang took Jongho's hand and dragged him to the kitchen where he still needed to finish preparing the meal.

"Why are you back so early? I thought you still had classes." Jongho hummed while leaning over the kitchen counter.

"My last 2 classes got canceled but honestly you should be happy because now you don't have to wait for food... Ok maybe you do, but it's not gonna be that long until I'm done." Yeosang giggled and looked over at Jongho, well aware he was being stared at.

When they finally sat down at the table, the older knew he has to tell his boyfriend a few things, quite important things at that.

"Baby, I want you to know something... It's a decision I took long enough to make." Yeosang started, well aware how scared he was of what he was about to say.

Jongho nodded, showing his boyfriend he has his undivided attention.

"I wanted to go back to Youtube, but I'm not sure if it's right to do." Yeosang began. "I'm afraid of everyone's reaction after being gone for a year and yet, I miss being able to upload videos and having people comment on them and stuff... Just, what do you think I should do?"

Jongho smiled lately, reaching for Yeosang's hand from across the table.

"Do what you think is the best for you, baby. Are you ready for all the things people might say about you? If yes, I'd say you should come back if you miss it but don't feel pressured to do so. Never do something you don't want to do." He said in a reassuring tone, well aware of the progress his boyfriend has made during the last year but the only person who knew if he was ready to go back to his channel was himself.

"I'd say I'm ready. I can always just not read the comments at first..." The brunette sighed, standing up from the table. He walked to his room and came back with a small box soon after.

"These are all the thoughts from last year, more specifically from the moments when I wanted to give up. And this-" Yeosang opened the box and took out a small envelope, then gave it to Jongho afterwards. "Is my written reflection, addressed to you. You don't have to read it now or even at all but I just want you to have it so no one else can find out what I wrote."

"Is it ok it I read it right now?" The younger asked, looking up at the other with hope in his eyes. He was eventually met with a small nod coming from the older.

Jongho opened the envelope and took out a piece of paper with text all around it so he guessed Yeosang went all out and wrote a really long letter. He unfolded the paper, trying to find the beginning which he did after a while. He looked over at his boyfriend, as if looking for permission if he can read it.

"Please do so. I'mma leave you alone so I don't see your reactions because quite honestly, it's freaking me out." Yeosang sighed and then made his way towards their bedroom, closing the door as soon as he entered it.

He didn't want to know if he wrote anything wrong straight away. He'd rather have Jongho tell him later, which might've been even worse but he really couldn't think of anything else right now.

Back in the living room, the younger male was still wondering if he should really read the letter now. It was so personal and he would be lying if he'd say he was afraid he'd read something that didn't make him happy. Seeing the words "I'm sorry but I don't think I'm better" or something along those lines would break him, as he was well aware of all the effort Yeosang put into his therapy sessions.

locker | jongsangजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें