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still 3rd person

When Jongho woke up the next morning, the sun was already up in the sky, shining brightly. Despite that, it was quite a cold morning. However, the two boys didn't even feel the cold as they were wrapped in multiple blankets and were of course, tightly hugging each other.

To say it was a surprise to the younger boy was an understatement. Having arms around him and someone's face buried in the crook of his neck when he woke up wasn't something he experienced before but decided he could definitely get used to it. He simply felt content and loved when opening his eyes, a nice contrast to his usual, sad mornings.

Even though he wanted to wake Yeosang up, he couldn't bring himself to do it. The older was holding onto him tightly, his legs tangled up with a fuzzy blanket, uncovering his bare feet. The raven haired simply found it adorable and allowed himself to stare at his boyfriend shamelessly.

Right, his boyfriend. It had a nice ring to it, didn't it?

Jongho liked such simple things as calling Yeosang his. He felt a sense of pride in a way while doing that because out of all the people he could have, the brunette chose him. It was a shock at first but he got over it quickly and decided to just enjoy their relationship while it was still surreal.

Soon after though, Yeosang started stirring in his sleep and murmuring inaudible words. The only thing Jongho has really made out was the phrase "don't leave me" and that glued him back to the older almost immediately. The younger gave the other boy's forehead a delicate kiss and hugged him tightly, fingers brushing his soft hair. That seemed to have calmed Yeosang down after a few moments but woke him up soon after too.

"Good morning, baby" The raven haired connected his lips with the ones belonging to the brunette but it only lasted a brief second, causing the latter to pout once the kiss ended. "Have you slept well? You seemed to have been having a nightmare a moment ago."

Yeosang looked away, seeming embarrassed and mumbled something along the lines of "it wasn't a big deal, I don't remember it anyway". Jongho decided not to force him to say anything so he just nodded.

"Aside from that" Yeosang continued with a small smile. "I slept really comfortably and it was probably the first time in 2 weeks when I didn't freeze during the night. It's really cold recently..."

"Just get more blankets next time since unfortunately I won't be able to come over every day" Jongho sighed but soon became all smiley again."We have to get ready to go meet my parents, I'm sure they'll love you!"

The younger got out of bed quickly and held his hand out for the other to grab it but was met with a rather loud groan and his boyfriend hiding his face in a pillow.

"C'mon Sangie... Baby please just get up, we really have to get ready." Jongho whined, trying to get the other up without having to use force but it turned out to be more difficult than he originally thought.

Eventually he started pulling Yeosang off the bed and of course he had to be met with screams (mixed with laugher, of course) telling him to get off.

"No, Sangie-hyung has been a bad person, and he has to get up now or Jongho will be sad." The younger said with an overexaggerated pout, but he didn't stop trying to get Yeosang off the bed and onto the floor, which caused the latter to laugh so hard his throat started to hurt.

"J-Jongho, I will be a good person now, I promise! Just don't be sad, ok?" Even though the older knew the other was joking, he couldn't be mean to him so he quickly got off the bed, gave Jongho a quick kiss and walked out of the room, leaving a very confused boy inside.

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